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9, September, 1881, by Various

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Title: The American Missionary -- Volume 35, No. 9, September, 1881

Author: Various

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    VOL. XXXV.                                          NO. 9.


                       AMERICAN MISSIONARY.

                 *       *       *       *       *

               “To the Poor the Gospel is Preached.”

                 *       *       *       *       *

                         SEPTEMBER, 1881.



    HEALING OF THE NATION’S WOUND                          260
    SUGGESTION WORTH PASSING ALONG                         261
    BENEFACTIONS—GENERAL NOTES                             262


      Washington, D.C.; Hampton, Va.                       265
      Wilmington, Beaufort, N.C.; Charleston,
        Orangeburg, S.C.; First Cong. Ch.,
        Atlanta, Ga.                                       266
      Cut First Cong. Ch., Atlanta, Ga.                    267
      Atlanta Univ., Savannah, Ga.                         268
      Woodville, Marietta, Cypress Slash, Ga.              269
      Belmont and Louisville, Ga.; Talladega,
        Mobile, Marlon, Ala.                               270
      Montgomery, Selma, Ala.                              271
      Shelby Iron Works, Childersburg, Florence,
        Ala.; Tougaloo, Miss.; Cong.
        Churches of Louisiana                              272
      Nashville, Memphis, Tenn.                            275
      Chattanooga, Tenn.; Berea, Ky.; Little
        Rock, Ark.                                         276
      Goliad, Paris, Flatonia, Texas                       277
      Corpus Christi, Texas                                278


    JOTTINGS FROM THE FIELD                                278


    MISS WILSON’S WORK IN KANSAS                           280


    PAULPHEMIA’S MA                                        282

  RECEIPTS                                                 284

  CONSTITUTION                                             287

  AIM, STATISTICS, WANTS, ETC.                             288

                 *       *       *       *       *

                             NEW YORK:
         Published by the American Missionary Association,
                      ROOMS, 56 READE STREET.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                Price, 50 Cents a Year, in advance.

Entered at the Poet Office at New York, N.Y., as second-class matter.

American Missionary Association,


       *       *       *       *       *


    HON. E. S. TOBEY, Boston.


    Hon. F. D. PARISH, Ohio.
    Hon. E. D. HOLTON, Wis.
    Rev. SAMUEL HARRIS, D.D., Ct.
    WM. C. CHAPIN, Esq., R.I.
    Rev. W. T. EUSTIS, D.D., Mass.
    Hon. A. C. BARSTOW, R.I.
    Rev. RAY PALMER, D.D., N.J.
    Rev. J. M. STURTEVANT, D.D., Ill.
    Rev. W. W. PATTON, D.D., D.C.
    Rev. CYRUS W. WALLACE, D.D., N.H.
    Rev. EDWARD HAWES, D.D., Ct.
    DOUGLAS PUTNAM, Esq., Ohio.
    Rev. M. M. G. DANA, D.D., Minn.
    Rev. H. W. BEECHER, N.Y.
    Gen. O. O. HOWARD, Washington Ter.
    Rev. G. F. MAGOUN, D.D., Iowa.
    Col. C. G. HAMMOND, Ill.
    Rev. WM. M. BARBOUR, D.D., Ct.
    Rev. W. L. GAGE, D.D., Ct.
    A. S. HATCH, Esq., N.Y.
    Rev. J. H. FAIRCHILD, D.D., Ohio.
    Rev. H. A. STIMSON, Minn.
    Rev. A. L. STONE, D.D., California.
    Rev. G. H. ATKINSON, D.D., Oregon.
    Rev. J. E. RANKIN, D.D., D.C.
    Rev. A. L. CHAPIN, D.D., Wis.
    S. D. SMITH, Esq., Mass.
    Dea. JOHN C. WHITIN, Mass.
    Hon. J. B. GRINNELL, Iowa.
    Sir PETER COATS, Scotland.
    Rev. HENRY ALLON, D.D., London, Eng.
    WM. E. WHITING, Esq., N.Y.
    J. M. PINKERTON, Esq., Mass.
    E. A. GRAVES, Esq., N.J.
    Rev. F. A. NOBLE, D.D., Ill.
    DANIEL HAND, Esq., Ct.
    A. L. WILLISTON, Esq., Mass.
    Rev. A. F. BEARD, D.D., N.Y.
    Rev. E. P. GOODWIN, D.D., Ill.
    Rev. C. L. GOODELL, D.D., Mo.
    J. W. SCOVILLE, Esq., Ill.
    E. W. BLATCHFORD, Esq., Ill.
    C. D. TALCOTT, Esq., Ct.
    Rev. JOHN K. MCLEAN, D.D., Cal.
    Rev. RICHARD CORDLEY, D.D., Kansas.
    Rev. W. H. WILLCOX, D.D., Mass.
    Rev. G. B. WILLCOX, D.D., Ill.
    Rev. WM. M. TAYLOR, D.D., N.Y.
    Rev. GEO. M. BOYNTON, Mass.
    Rev. E. B. WEBB, D.D., Mass.
    Hon. C. I. WALKER, Mich.
    Rev. A. H. ROSS, Mich.


    REV. M. E. STRIEBY, D.D., _56 Reade Street, N.Y._


    REV. C. L. WOODWORTH, _Boston_.
    REV. G. D. PIKE, _New York_.
    REV. JAS. POWELL, _Chicago_.

    H. W. HUBBARD, ESQ., _Treasurer, N.Y._
    REV. M. E. STRIEBY, _Recording Secretary_.


    A. S. BARNES,
    CHAS. L. MEAD,
    WM. T. PRATT,
    J. A. SHOUDY,


relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the
Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields to
the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the “American
Missionary,” to Rev. G. D. PIKE, D.D., at the New York Office.


may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New
York, or when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21
Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or 112 West Washington Street,
Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a
Life Member.


                       AMERICAN MISSIONARY.

                 *       *       *       *       *

          VOL. XXXV.      SEPTEMBER, 1881.        NO. 9.

                 *       *       *       *       *

_American Missionary Association._

       *       *       *       *       *

The Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Missionary
Association will be held in Worcester, Mass., commencing November
1st, at 3 P. M. For particulars see fourth page of cover.

       *       *       *       *       *


This month brings around the close of another fiscal year.
Our balances will be struck on the 30th of September, and we
are exceedingly anxious that all parties, either churches or
individuals, who have intended to contribute to our work during
the current year, should do so as early as possible. Our appeal
is that you give to this cause liberally as the Lord may have
prospered you. Our receipts for the nine months to June 30th were
very encouraging, but the receipts for July, the first month of the
last quarter, have not been as large as we had reason to hope. The
increase over July of last year has been only fourteen per cent,
instead of twenty-five per cent., the amount necessary to carry
forward the additional work we have undertaken. But we trust that
our friends will enable us to meet these appropriations without
embarrassing our treasury. Every dollar received during the next
thirty days will help us to meet our pressing demands, and possibly
save us from closing the year with debt.

       *       *       *       *       *


We give room in this number of the MISSIONARY to a broadside on
Church work. Our object is to present to our patrons, at a view, an
array of the large number of new churches we have established for
the colored people. A majority of the pastors employed by us have
been connected in some capacity with our Institutions, a goodly
number of them having graduated from the theological classes at
Talladega College, Fisk and Straight Universities.

It may be said, with grateful assurance and peculiar emphasis,
that this Association _establishes_ its churches. It prepares
a constituency by its day and Sabbath-schools, and from this
educates a ministry. In this way it develops a demand for a pure
church, and also the possibility of maintaining it when established.

It will be observed that nearly all the churches reported have
been blessed during the year with additions to their numbers,
and that many have made improvements upon their property. The
Sabbath-schools have everywhere received due attention, and much of
the progress in the different churches has been made possible by
the earnest, prayerful and unremitting labors of our missionaries
in this department of religious work. Missionary meetings and
societies have been greatly encouraged and the cause of temperance
widely promoted. Many of the young converts have found their way
to institutions of learning, and many have engaged in teaching and
missionary service.

When it is taken into account that these young churches are
reformed churches, and that their church life is a new experience
among the colored people, where they shine as lights in the world,
it will be readily seen, we think, that this branch of our work
augurs most hopefully a day of better things for the new South, and
that the hearts and hands of these brethren, whose letters will be
found elsewhere, should be strengthened, and their numbers largely

       *       *       *       *       *


In these days, when science is pushing her inquiries in every
direction with reference to the discovery of new facts, in order
that she may deduce therefrom the course of nature and the system
of the universe, there is danger that we overlook the basis in
man’s moral constitution on which, alone, knowledge can have the
highest significance and value. The drift is seen not merely in the
public schools, but in the college and the professional seminary,
which, more and more, are reducing education to the acquisition of
facts, or to a simple intellectual drill. The scientific method,
so called, has no place for moral agents or moral causes, and so
its account of the world is forever rendered on a physical rather
than on a metaphysical basis. With such a tendency in education,
this Association can have no sympathy. It is the friend of all good
learning, and will do its utmost to advance education; but it does
not believe that a man can be well or symmetrically educated until
his moral faculties are disciplined in advance of, and equally
_with_, his intellectual. For this reason it would put the church
at the center and foundation of all its work. In this respect it
would co-operate with God, accepting His own appointed agency
for the moral instruction of mankind. The church, as the great
moral teacher, bears the stamp of a divine origin and authority.
Its function is to teach divine truth, and to put man into right
moral relations to the deep order of the universe. Any system of
education, then, which ignored the church, or even set her in
the background, would fail in a well rounded development of all
the mental powers. A partial substitute may be found in other
professions and other institutions, but nothing can take the place
of the church as the authoritative teacher of moral and spiritual

It is well to remember, also, that that which best develops and
educates the moral powers is the best possible discipline for
the mind itself. No subjects require clearer perception, sharper
analysis and more discriminating reason than moral subjects, and
no men show keener minds than those who have been trained to
reason on moral questions. Illustrations of this in ancient times
are found in the Jewish patriarchs, and in modern times in the
people of Scotland and of New England. And yet the common schools
of these latter countries, until within fifty years, were of the
rudest sort, and only taught the simplest elements of an English
education. But their people, trained in the sanctuary, under a
ministry which was able to reason of righteousness, temperance and
a judgment to come, were as strong intellectually as they were
tough and clear-minded morally.

Senator Hoar, in his recent oration before the law school of Yale
College, asserted and proved that the best lawyers of the last
generation were indebted to the strong pulpits of New England more
than to anything else for their intellectual clearness, and for
their judicial discrimination and force.

Let there be a strong pulpit in any community, and there will be
strong men around it, mentally and morally, though the schools are
of the simplest. On the other hand, if the pulpit be weak and the
outcoming moral influences be feeble, though the schools be ever
so well equipped and endowed, the people around will lack high
purpose, and scholarship itself will be frivolous and effeminate,
destitute of the rugged strength which comes to natures fed from
the deep roots of moral earnestness and conviction.

It need hardly be said that the great need of the South, especially
among the colored people, is a _strong_ church and a _pure_ church;
for slavery damaged the colored man morally vastly more that it
did intellectually. Indeed, his intellect was rather sharpened
by the invention and craft on which it was constantly put, while
the forces which strengthened the will and nourished a pure heart
were the weakest possible; and yet nine persons out of ten suppose
the damage was intellectual, and are greatly surprised when our
teachers assure them that colored children are as bright, and learn
as readily, as white children.

A moment’s reflection would satisfy any one that the weakness would
be on the moral side, for the reason that the life of the slave was
so ordered as to ignore all moral distinctions and to violate all
moral obligations. Hence, the building up should be strongest on
the moral side. No greater mistake could be made than to attempt
to graft on to a low moral character a high degree of intellectual
culture. Should we send forth a generation of students, with sharp
wits and dull moral perceptions, we might contribute to the roll of
more adroit villains, but we should add little to the list of good

The church, therefore, should be emphasized at all points and
at all times. It should command for its preachers the best and
the ablest men. Both races need this. Only this can destroy the
conditions which made it possible that white blood should now be
running in the veins of three-fourths of the colored people. The
Southern pulpit has failed to sufficiently enforce either good
morals or practical righteousness. For lack of this, slavery was
possible, and dueling and violence covered the land with blood.
The remedy for this is a new and right system of moral teaching.
This, we repeat, is the peculiar function of the pulpit. That this
may be made _possible_, churches pure and intelligent must be
established all over the South. It should be done now, because we
are laying the foundations and determining the character of the
coming generations. If the first crop of leaders are morally weak,
they will enfeeble their successors, and perhaps vitiate the seed
and the crop for all time to come.

We need to put into the African blood the iron of the Puritan faith
and purpose, so that they may do for the African continent what
our fathers did for America. The first men sent to that dark land
should hold the ideas and principles out of which may be evolved
churches, schools, homes and Christian states, from the mouths of
the Nile and the Congo clear down to the golden Cape. If we cannot
inoculate the colored race with those moral sensibilities and
forces which will render them charitable, humane and just, then we
look to them in vain for help in the salvation of our own land, as
well as in the founding of Christian institutions and Christian
states for the continent of Africa.

       *       *       *       *       *


It was a gaping, festering sore that was left by the fratricidal
war. A speedy healing was not to be expected. It took nearly a
century for the mother country and America to get over their
grievance. There is much of encouragement that this later feud will
be more speedily composed. There have been some special influences
at work. The occurrence of the Centennial tended to divert
attention from the old trouble, to arouse the spirit of patriotism
and to abate ill-will. The prevalence of an epidemic at the South
for two seasons gave the North an opportunity to express moral and
material sympathy, which did much to awaken reciprocal good-will on
the part of the people of that section.

When President Garfield was shot, the people of the South rose up
with as much indignation and sympathy as those of the North. It was
a benediction for the Nation to be lifted by such a ground-swell
of emotion, and that the impulse of Christian patriotism. We feel
confident that President Garfield, restored to soundness, will by
this dreadful dispensation be all the more disposed to temper his
administration with fairness and righteousness, such as will carry
on the process of healing in the body politic.

The Peabody fund and its judicious disbursement at the South is
doing its work of palliating feeling. Miss Willard’s tour of
temperance lecturing through the South was a hopeful revelation of
harmonious sentiment. Dr. Mayo’s eminently successful educational
visitation was in the same line.

Then it is also clearly manifest that the scheme of the North
for aiding the South in the education of the colored people is
coming to be recognized there-away as one of pure philanthropy and
patriotism. The testimony of Dr. Haygood in his book, “Our Brother
in Black,” to this effect, is but the expression of not a little
of latent sentiment. He pronounces “immortal honor” upon these
teachers. He says that without such service the South would be
uninhabitable by this time. Our teachers and preachers, dwelling
there from year to year, and returning North betimes, become
interpreters of the mutual and improving good feeling. They command
respect at the South, they retain affectionate regard at the North,
and so become a bond of union between the two sections. More and
more this process will go on with happiest results.

The National Cotton Exposition to be held this fall at Atlanta,
upon a gigantic scale, will be another mighty loom for weaving the
fabric of national good-will.

We be one people, with one English inheritance of language and
history, of character and civilization, with a common possession of
Revolutionary glory and of pride in our national development. We
must let the dead bury their dead. We must push on in all proper
ways to remove prejudice and to restore confidence. Service for our
common country in the way of evangelization and of righteous civil
administration, will be one of the most effective aids in healing
the Nation’s wound.

       *       *       *       *       *


After the presentation of the cause of the American Missionary
Association recently to a church in Connecticut, the pastor made
the following suggestion to his people:

“We have now had this great subject before us. We shall never,
probably, see it more clearly. We shall never, probably, feel its
importance more. What shall we do about it? I was going to announce
a contribution for next Sabbath; but perhaps it will rain; perhaps
you will not be here; perhaps you will forget. Besides, I notice
that church plates do not hold a great deal. We make them a small
business. We ought to do more for this cause. We want to do more.
And so, if I can find two or three young ladies ready for the work,
I will send them to your houses. Be ready! Look the matter all
over, and do as good a thing as you can. After that, perhaps, we
will pick up the stray bits when Sunday comes.”

It is pleasant to add that the pastor found canvassers without
difficulty, and that about three times the amount usually given by
plate collections was gathered.

Atlanta University undertakes the work of “head-making” so far
as this means the development of a clear and sensible intellect,
controlled by a good heart. It was, however, “_bread_-making,” and
not “head-making,” which the types in our August number should have
mentioned to the credit of the Atlanta girls, whose loaves, rolls
and Yankee doughnuts so delighted the gentlemen of the examining
committee at the recent anniversary. Plain cooking is a part of the
regular instruction in Atlanta University.

       *       *       *       *       *


—Beloit College, Wis., has received $10,000 from Mrs. J. S.
Herrick, to be applied for a new observatory.

—The bequest of Col. Wm. E. Putnam to Marietta College, Ohio, will
probably amount to $35,000.

—Mr. Reuben J. Flick, a member of the First Presbyterian Church of
Wilkesbarre, has recently given $20,000 to Lincoln University.

—Mr. Geo. I. Seney has recently added $100,000 to his gift to
Wesleyan University, the interest of which is to be given in prizes
to students.

—Mr. A. L. Williston and wife have given $10,000 for a new
observatory at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, in memory of their deceased

—The late Ebenezer Alden, M.D., of Randolph, left a legacy of
$5,000 to Phillips Academy, Andover, for helping students, or
paying for instruction, at the discretion of the tutors.

—A friend of Yale Divinity School has given $10,500 for a new
library building, which is now being erected between Marquand
Chapel and West Divinity Hall.

—Mr. Leander McCormick, of Chicago, has donated his splendid
telescope, costing $50,000, to the University of Virginia, and
offers to build the observatory to receive it.

—Mr. Wm. H. Vanderbilt, of New York, has given $25,000 to the
University of Virginia, and Mr. Lewis Brooks, of Rochester, N.Y.,
has given a splendid museum, costing about $60,000, to the same

—_Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., has Jubilee Hall completed
and overflowing with students, and is now erecting Livingstone
Missionary Hall, by the gift of Mrs. Stone; but endowments are the
great necessity. Twenty-five thousand dollars will provide for a
professorship, and there are seven such needing endowment._

       *       *       *       *       *



—M. Matheis has been sent out by the French Government to explore
the region extending from the bend of the Niger to Lake Tchad.

—The question of the establishment of a small railroad on the
Decanville plan, between Ogooué and Alima, is being considered.

—M. J. Thomson left London the 6th of May to go to Zanzibar, from
whence he will proceed to make the geological exploration of the
Rovouma for the Sultan of Zanzibar.

—Messrs. Demietri and Michieli, agents of the Italian Society of
Commerce in Africa, have set out from Khartoum for the Red Sea at
the head of a caravan of 700 camels, laden with various kinds of

—The Commercial Association of Lisbon has moved a patriotic
subscription, the proceeds of which will be offered to the
Government to co-operate with it in the foundation of civilizing
stations in the Portuguese African colonies.

—An Italian party consisting of an officer and 14 men, while
attempting to penetrate Abyssinia from Assab Bay, have been
massacred in the interior. It is possible that the Italian
Government may send a military expedition to demand redress.

—Until recently there has been no bank in the English colonies
of Western Africa. Many of the merchants have been hindered from
entering into negotiations with these colonies by the difficulty of
obtaining reliable information relative to the state of commerce.
But the Bank of West Africa has now been established, with a
capital of 500,000 pounds sterling, having its centre at London, and
stations at Sierra Leone, Lagos, and later at Cape Coast, at the
Gambia, and wherever the exigencies of commerce render it necessary.

—Dr. Lenz affirms that the soil of the Sahara is not as sterile
as is commonly believed. In Iguidi, in particular, they found
many foraging places for the camels, and they often saw troops of
antelopes and gazelles fleeing at the approach of the caravan. Dr.
Lenz did not follow the example of Barth, but went rather to pay
his addresses to the Kahia, who made his stay in Timbuctoo the most
agreeable possible. He gave him a fine house, and served him each
day an abundant and delicious repast—wheaten bread, butter and
honey, mutton and beef, chickens and game.

—Stanley has fixed the site of his second station at Isangila,
about 50 kilometers from Vivi. To reach this point, he traversed a
very dangerous country, where the population is scattered and which
offered no resources. The difficulties were increased by the amount
of baggage to transport, provisions, boats, &c., the whole weighing
42 tons—an enormous weight, considering the nature of the country
and the means of transportation. He was obliged to throw bridges
across the rivers, fill up the ravines, open, hatchet in hand, a
route across dense forests, blow up rocks, or drag the wagons by
force of arm along the sides of steep mountains. And still it was
not possible to advance with all his baggage at once. He had to
open the way with a group of pioneers, and after advancing a little
to make a halt, pitch a camp, then go back to bring by instalments
the rest of the convoy, till all were united.

       *       *       *       *       *


—Gen. C. H. Howard has been appointed Indian Inspector to succeed
Dr. I. H. Mahan, who resigned his position on account of failing

—Rev. S. Hall Young, of Fort Wrangel, Alaska, writes: “With a live
missionary, a saw-mill and a Christian trader in the N. W. T. Co.’s
store, we can make that the model mission of Alaska.”

—Indians are employed on the California Southern R. R. with
satisfactory results, and it is predicted with a reasonable degree
of assurance that the experiment will prove to be a favorable means
of civilizing the Indians.

—The Santees had 2,344 acres under cultivation last year. They
raised 7,000 bushels of wheat, 2,000 of oats, 3,000 of corn, and
made 1,000 tons of hay for their stock. They also manufactured
120,000 bricks. It is the opinion of Mr. Lightner, their agent,
that as soon as the Nation is willing to recognize the Indian as a
citizen, holding him amenable to the laws governing the white man,
we may expect his civilization to advance with double rapidity.

       *       *       *       *       *


—There are 585 Chinese children in the public schools of San

—There are two Chinese papers in San Francisco. One man performs
the functions of editor, publisher, compositor, press-man,
book-keeper and office boy of the _Wah Kee_. This wonderful and
versatile man is fifty years old. The paper has 1,000 subscribers,
and costs ten cents per copy, or $5 per year.

—Candidates for missionary work in China have opportunity to study
the language at Oxford, Eng., in the department under charge of
Prof. Legge. The English Presbyterian Foreign Mission Committee,
believing that more can be accomplished by three months’ study at
Oxford than by a year spent in the unhealthy regions of China, have
adopted the plan of sending their missionaries to the former place,
to avail themselves of the instruction of Prof. Legge.

—Upwards of 2,000 Chinese have recently landed in two weeks’ time
in Australia. They come for the most part from Hong Kong, where
there is great depression in business and much suffering among the
people. The tide of emigration, which formerly set so strongly
towards the Pacific coast, seems recently to have been somewhat
diverted to Australia and the Sandwich Islands.

—The Government of China has decided to erect telegraphs from
Shanghai to Tientsin and other cities. Already hundreds of
telephones are in use. Questions in relation to railway systems
are being agitated, and a committee has been appointed for the
purpose of thoroughly canvassing the matter, submitting plans, etc.
Unquestionably a number of railways will be constructed within the
next five years, and perhaps sooner.

       *       *       *       *       *



       *       *       *       *       *




I am glad to say that the religious state of the Lincoln Memorial
Church at present is good. It was organized the 10th of last
January with eleven members. In April the Lord poured out a special
blessing upon us, the result of which was eight converts. The
church has doubled its membership since its organization. In this
revival there was a little girl converted about nine years old, and
an aged mother about seventy-five. We have had only one admitted to
the church by letter; ten on confession of faith. There is quite
a large temperance work here carried on by Mrs. Babcock. This
temperance society is known as the Lincoln Mission Band of Hope.

Our Sunday-school is very large in the winter, but it thins out
in the summer. The largest attendance during any time through the
winter was 530.

The Lincoln Mission building in which our church worships has been
greatly improved. The large hall has been re-plastered and painted
inside and out.

We have sent two from the Lincoln Mission to Howard University.
This church also sent $4.06 to the American Missionary Association.

       *       *       *       *       *



There have been admitted to church membership in Bethesda Chapel
during the year 31 persons—28 on profession of their faith and
three by letter. Of these, 15 were Indians, one white, and the
remainder colored students. With the growth of the school the
congregation at the chapel has so increased as to make it necessary
to add another wing to the building. Two prayer meetings have been
kept up by the colored students, one on the Sabbath and one on a
week day evening, the attendance and interest being well sustained.
The Indians have their own prayer meetings, where they take part in
their own tongue. They manifest a most earnest desire to know the
Bible, and spend much time in reading and studying it.

Most of the students of the school have been enrolled as members
of the temperance society during the past year. Considerable work
has been done in the country about. One of the students organized
a temperance society in the village of Hampton, and several
interesting meetings have been held. The subject of local option is
likely to come up in the fall, and the society hopes to make itself
felt on the right side.

There has been an average attendance of 300 in Sunday-school. Forty
students have been engaged in the Sunday-schools in the vicinity,
three as superintendents and the remainder as teachers. One of the
schools where the students have become interested has increased in
numbers from 40 to over 200.

Thirty Bible students go out from the school on Sunday afternoons
to read to the old people. They are everywhere received with a
hearty welcome by those who have been deprived of the privileges
which their children enjoy.

The Missionary Society of the school has raised $229. As the last
winter was of unusual severity, the most of this amount was spent
in the relief of the misery at our very doors. During the winter
the students went out every week to mend the huts of the poor, to
carry them bedding, clothes and food.

A Christian association has been formed in the school, so that
those who come here from denominations that do not allow their
joining our church may feel that they have duties here as Christian
workers. So far as possible, the thought of their individual
responsibility for the souls of those around them is impressed upon

       *       *       *       *       *



We record a steady interest and growth in grace; one added by
profession, one by letter, one adult and six children baptized;
Sunday-school in good condition; large classes and good attention.
The improvement of property has been great, as already described in

One of the most encouraging facts is this, which has come to our
knowledge in several different ways, that when any one wishes to
get a trustworthy servant, the fact of membership in our church is
considered a most excellent recommendation. Experience has taught
employers its value.

       *       *       *       *       *



Our church is steadily increasing in numbers, and we are more
encouraged than ever. Four were added to our number last month. The
cause of temperance is prospering. We have a prohibitory law, and
no licenses are granted in the county and parish. The Sunday-school
work is hopeful, the number in attendance averaging about 120.

       *       *       *       *       *



The most encouraging feature of our work is the Sunday-school. We
have 120 in attendance, with an average of 82. Some difficulty is
found in procuring teachers. We manage, however, to keep up a good
degree of interest among the children. We have a Band of Hope that
numbers 120, mostly children, growing up to take part in the future
conflict over alcohol in this state.

During the winter we had a series of meetings that seemed to
quicken some of the old backsliders, who, we trust, will prove of
great help to the church, and a few conversions which resulted in
the bracing up of our spiritual energies considerably.

The people have raised about $500 for various purposes, about $200
of which went to repair the church, $100 to pay the debt, and the
rest for current expenses.

       *       *       *       *       *



We have been highly blessed by the Lord this year in our church
work, both temporal and spiritual. In April we enjoyed a revival
season, during which seven persons were converted to Christ, five
of whom have united with our church. Our Sabbath-school numbers 45,
and is doing well. New hymn books have been purchased, the church
has been repaired, painted and plastered, and a chandelier secured.
Three members of our church are absent teaching. One young man is
engaged in missionary work.

       *       *       *       *       *



Last February and March were months of revival and ingathering. The
work commenced in the Storrs School, and the teachers there and
in the Sunday-school had precious answers to prayer and precious
rewards of labor. Never was it more plain that church and school
are strongly wedded and mutually helpful. Almost daily meetings
were held for several weeks, all quiet, orderly, solemn; short
sermons, many prayers and much individual testimony for the Lord.
Rev. Henry E. Brown and wife and Brother J. E. Lathrop, of Macon,
rendered good help to the pastor.


March 13th was a memorable Sabbath, 28 uniting by profession and
two by letter. In April, seven joined by profession, and in May,
four more by profession and three by letter, making an addition of
44 in the three months.

A new temperance society has been organized; new members, almost
without exception, take total abstinence pledge, and but few old
members are known to have the drinking habit.

The Sunday-school is prospering; over 50 in the infant class;
sometimes over 300 are present in all.

With the aid of the American Missionary Association and Northern
friends we have a fine new bell. Church property is valuable and
in good order. We have paid up our church debt, and have now a
fine church costing $5,000, with a seating capacity for 500, and a
basement under the whole for Sunday-school rooms. During the year
ending January 1, 1881, the church raised for debt and current
expenses about $800.

Many of our young people are in Storrs School or Atlanta
University. One has just graduated from the theological department
in Howard University; six or more, now or formerly members of our
church, are at work in the Gospel ministry, and two score or more
are, or have been, engaged in teaching among their people.

       *       *       *       *       *



The church of Christ in Atlanta University is made up entirely of
teachers and pupils in that school, and so has a somewhat different
sphere from many of our sister churches. It now numbers 88 members,
having received larger accessions during the past year than in any
other year of its history, 22 having joined, all save two upon
profession of faith.

A very gracious revival prevailed for the last five months of the
school year, during which time more than 50 persons were converted,
several more of whom will unite with this church after longer
experience, and the rest with churches at their homes. It was a
delightful and precious work, affecting nearly every member of
the school, quickening the religious life of former members, and
gathering in a harvest week by week up to the close of the year.

The temperance work is made a special care, as the need for it
is so great, and all who go away to teach during their summer
vacation, as all do save six or eight of the younger members, have
furnished them a package of selected temperance literature, and
are instructed in methods for its use, after careful instruction
upon the general subject, so that all are engaged in mission work
of that character in the schools which they teach and the families
which they visit.

About $75 was raised during the year at the monthly missionary
meetings, which was given to promote the temperance work.

About 75 members of the church are now engaged in teaching their
summer schools, most of them taking the lead in Sunday-schools, and
so exercising a genuine missionary influence over a great number of

       *       *       *       *       *



There has been a good deal of sickness among our people and
the missionaries. We have had additions to the church at each
communion. The Sunday-school work is prospering finely, the pennies
outnumbering the attendance every Sunday but two from January
1st to June 1st. The average attendance at the Sunday-school for
January was 112, which gradually increased until, in May, the
average was 162⅘. The average collections of the Sunday-school for
May were $2.12⅘ for each Sunday.

From January 1st to May 31st the congregation raised for church and
missionary purposes $83.71; and the Sunday-school, during the same
time, $36.73. This does not include some $25 raised to provide an
excursion for the Sunday-school and its friends. Several members
during the year, who are either ministers or ministers’ wives, took
letters of dismission; others still are in some of the institutions
of the American Missionary Association for higher learning. More or
less missionary work is being done constantly by resident members
of this church.

While it is not a large church, it has had, and does have, a large
influence for good throughout the whole city; especially has it
been the means of revolutionizing in the way of improvement the
Sunday-school work here and here-abouts.

       *       *       *       *       *



This church was organized in the year 1871. In the year 1875 Mr.
J. H. H. Sengstacke, teacher of the public school at Woodville,
was elected pastor. At that time the membership consisted of 12
persons. They worshiped in an old building about one-third of a
mile from the present edifice. The church was at first known as
the Woodville Congregational church; but at the beginning of Mr.
Sengstacke’s ministry the name was changed to Pilgrim church. The
American Missionary Association built a new house of worship,
and Mr. S. was set apart for the Gospel ministry. The church has
been growing rapidly ever since, the congregation at present
averaging 200. The Sabbath-school is flourishing. In the year 1877,
Sengstacke Band of Hope was organized. Rev. J. M. Smith’s people,
of Grand Rapids, Mich., have done much towards building up this
work. In 1877 the church purchased a bell and an organ.

In 1878 the American Missionary Association built a neat little

In 1879 the church was ceiled and painted inside.

In 1880 the people, with aid from the American Missionary
Association, raised the meeting house on a brick basement, also the
church was repainted and new seats were added.

In 1881 a new fence was put around the lot, and the meeting house
was improved on the outside, trees were set out, and a lot was
purchased at the Five Mile for mission work. Pilgrim church has had
revivals every year.

       *       *       *       *       *



On my arrival a year ago, only seven persons (four men and three
women) responded as members of the church. Since my ordination
last December, 13 have been admitted, six by letter and seven by
profession. This encourages us in great measure to labor on. The
Sunday-school has shown a steady increase for some months and is
making real progress. We are better able than ever to hold those
who came at first out of mere curiosity. The following quotation
respecting temperance forms a part of the constitution of the
church: “Any member convicted of using intoxicating liquor other
than as a medicine shall be liable to discipline.” Three of our
members spent the past six months in Atlanta University.

       *       *       *       *       *



We have a church of 60 members, and our work is growing in favor
both with white and colored; five have recently been added by
profession. Our Sunday-school is increasing in numbers and
interest. One young man has gone to the Hampton Institute to fit
himself for a teacher. Our church property has been improved, and a
parsonage erected at a cost of about $230, in connection with which
there are ten acres of land. The field here is a promising one, and
considering that the church has been organized only two years and a
half, the progress of the work seems to us very encouraging.

       *       *       *       *       *



The work of ingathering in these churches has been slow and steady.
Some who had been negligent have returned and manifested an
interest in the church. At Belmont 11 new members have been added
during the past four years.

There is a good attendance at Louisville, although but two have
united with the church during my ministry. There is great need
of temperance work among the people. The Sabbath-schools are in
tolerable good condition. We have very little church property, and
we are not able to keep what we have in good repair.

       *       *       *       *       *



Preaching, Sunday-school, church and neighborhood prayer meetings,
with class of Bible readers, monthly concert, and meeting of the
Woman’s Missionary Society, have been kept up in usual order and
with a good degree of interest during the year. For three weeks,
meetings were held each evening. Several, chiefly students boarding
in the college family, found Christ, and the church was revived.

The preaching was first and mainly to Christians rather than to
the impenitent. Besides the mission churches which have grown out
of the College church, the students and teachers have sustained
five Sunday-schools in needy districts. The College church has
rare facilities for distributing illustrated Sunday-school and
temperance papers. The parish missionary has faithfully pursued her
work, discovering and relieving much of want, and speaking to the

A temperance society has been organized, embracing in its
membership those not connected with the College church, with a
pledge of abstinence from the use of tobacco in all its forms, as
well as from the use and sale of intoxicating liquors.

       *       *       *       *       *



A revival followed the State Conference in March; 15 persons
between the ages of 13 and 18 manifested a deep interest, and
received so much light on the supreme question, as carried them
beyond the reach of the ordinary instruction of the colored
churches and revival seasons. The church was much blessed.

We received to fellowship one young man, a pupil in the Institute,
of rare promise. Several temperance sermons were preached, and 30
names secured to the pledge.

The church building was moved through the street to its more
eligible location on the Institute grounds, and improved by a large
front door and steps and cornice.

Out of their deep poverty the people raised about one dollar at
each monthly concert of prayer for missions. Two lady members are
engaged in teaching in public schools acceptably.

       *       *       *       *       *



Marion is an old town, quite an educational centre, but in all
other respects left high and dry on a side switch. Hence our
church and work is a good deal like that of New England—a good
place to emigrate from. There is not business enough to give work
at home, and the young people have to go away; we are trying to
make it a good home and training-school, and look for the results
elsewhere. This summer nearly all our men are abroad for work—many
at Tougaloo, working on the new building—some renting land in the
district around. Most of the young women as they marry find homes
abroad for the same reason.

The children and young people who were converted last spring hold
out well, and form the principal part of our number at prayer
meeting. We see occasionally also those who united with other
churches. Ten united on confession at our first communion, four
at the second. So far as I can learn, all our church are strictly
temperance folks. Our Sunday-school is small. We have had three
Sunday-schools kept up in the country by members of our church who
had day schools in those districts.

Most of our members have homes which they are making more valuable
by improvement, while property in town has greatly depreciated. Our
church have undertaken to raise $100 and to build a school-house
this summer. It may be a question whether they will succeed in the
latter as soon as they have planned.

Ten of the young people of our church have been at Talladega
during the past year, two at Fisk, and one in Tougaloo. Four of
our members have been teaching school with good success and one is

A young man who graduated with honor at the Normal here last week
was converted with us. He wishes to go to Africa, but will probably
go under Methodist auspices, according to his friends’ wish. I have
found a large field and a very needy one.

       *       *       *       *       *



With our church, the past year has been one of more than ordinary
encouragement and blessing. Spiritual growth is manifest. Special
meetings were held during the week of prayer and three weeks
following; result, several hopeful conversions; 12 have united
with the church, six by letter and six by profession. A healthful
sentiment in favor of temperance prevails throughout the church and
congregation, cherished by special services and efforts through
the year. Not one person to my knowledge is addicted to the use of
drink. Sunday-school is vigorous with enthusiasm, numbering 175
pupils. Decided improvement both in attendance and contributions
have been made during the year. Though this has been financially
a hard year for our people, nevertheless in loyalty to church
obligation they have done better than ever before in their history.
Nine of our members have been in attendance at Talladega College
and Fisk University during the year; three of these are studying
for the ministry. As a whole, the church work at this point has a
bright side, and we feel like thanking God and taking courage.

       *       *       *       *       *



Our church observed the week of prayer with a good degree of
interest, which was followed by a series of meetings continuing
through the month of January. Five were added to the church by
profession and four by letter. An effort was made in behalf of
temperance by all the churches, in the beginning of the year,
to send a petition to the Legislature for the suppression of
intemperance, but failed as to results. Christmas, a temperance
Sunday-school concert was held. The Sunday-school has been steadily
increasing, as shown by the following figures, which give the
average attendance for six months: January 82, February 77¾, March
83¼, April 84¾, May 112, June 101¾.

A mission school at the house of the pastor has been in operation
for the year, with an average attendance of 18 weekly.

An effort has been made to raise a special donation for the A. M. A.,
that the Association may receive the $50 pledged as a duplicate
from a friend in Massachusetts. The “Mission Workers” of the
church and Sunday-school have made by sales, and given for various
purposes, $30.45. Six of our pupils are at school at Talladega, two
at Tougaloo. Ten members are engaged in teaching or missionary work.

Interest in the cause of missions has been furthered by a
“missionary tea party,” held at the home of the pastor. Items of
intelligence from the broad field interested all.

       *       *       *       *       *



I can only give you a brief report of my work, as I have been here
but a short time.

We have not had any revival, only in the church there seems to be a
renewed spirit among her members.

We deem the Sunday-school work of vital importance, and endeavor
to increase its interest from time to time; average attendance,
90; teachers five. Our building is now being newly painted, and we
hope to finish plastering by the 1st of October. Five pupils from
the church have been sent to some institution of learning. Number
engaged in missionary work, five.

The work, as a whole, seems to be hopeful. We ask your prayers that
we may be strengthened.

       *       *       *       *       *



Revival work has been very encouraging. Most of the youth have been
led to embrace religion in consequence of our meetings. Thirty have
joined our church, 22 of whom came through since I have been here.
Our church is a temperance church; everybody looks upon us as a
temperance people. We have the best Sabbath-school in Childersburg.
We have plastered our meeting house and added a church farm worth
$250, and a bell worth $45. Four of our church members are studying
at different institutions.

       *       *       *       *       *



We have built a beautiful parsonage this year which is said to
be the prettiest house in town. Our field of labor is one where
the minister plans his work, and then pulls off his coat and
sees that it is done. Since I took charge here, two years ago,
a suitable house of worship has been erected. Meanwhile, I have
acted as pastor and taught a school. Six were added to the church
by profession, and a temperance society has been organized. It is
the only temperance society in connection with any of the colored
churches in town. When I came here I found an old house, that had
been used for a bar-room and gambling shop, fitted up for a house
of worship. This has been abandoned, the lot upon which it stood
well fenced, and a meeting house built.

We sent one pupil to Fisk University last year, and raised $160 for
building and repairs.

       *       *       *       *       *



There has been no special revival this year. Steady progress,
however, has been made, resulting in frequent conversions. Eleven
have been added to the church on profession of faith, and four by

It is a rare thing for any of our students to hold themselves
outside of the temperance work. They not only become temperance men
and women here, but temperance workers when they leave. From 1,000
to 1,500 signers of the pledge are secured by them each summer
vacation. They sometimes commence Sunday-school work previous
to the opening of their day schools, and during vacation it is
estimated that they instruct about 4,000 Sunday-school scholars.
Fifty-eight of our church members have been engaged in teaching
during the year.

       *       *       *       *       *



Of the 18 churches in the South-western Association, the first
organization bears date June 14th, 1868; so that if we are not the
infant association, we are certainly among the youngest members of
the Congregational household.

There have been seven annual meetings of our Association, two
occurring in 1870 and 1871, and then regularly from 1876 to 1881
inclusive. There has been growth in several directions.

1st, _morally_. The standard in moral instruction and practice is
higher, by a marked difference, than at the beginning of our church
life. The church is not a harbor for unholy and impure persons,
where the outward profession atones for the faults of the private
life; but the scene of watchfulness and charitable judgment, where
the weak are helped, the penitent encouraged, and the persistent
wrong-doer is discountenanced and disfellowshiped.

2d. In intelligence. The ministers and church members have a
clearer understanding of the proprieties of church order and

The public services of the Lord’s day have grown quiet and
devotional, a deeper tone of reverence pervades the preaching, and
mere emotion has been succeeded by _intelligent conviction_ and a
_reasonable faith_.

3d. There is a more direct aim for the best spiritual results.
The conversion of the heart and the saving of the lost is more
and more the end and the aim of preaching. Between this and the
crude emotional spasmodic methods of the past, there is an almost
inconceivable difference.

_Central Church, New Orleans (Rev. W. S. Alexander, D.D.,
Pastor)._—This church was in 1870 the University church, and has
always been intimately associated with Straight University. The
president of the University has been the acting pastor since
January 1st, 1876. Most of the teachers in the University are
earnest workers in the Sabbath-school.

From a membership of 35 in 1876, almost all of whom were old
people, the membership has been increased to 210. Hardly a year
has passed without witnessing in this church scenes of revival
interest. Every winter has had its harvest months.

During the past winter, a revival of great power occurred in
the church, resulting in 50 conversions. Mr. James Wharton, of
Barrow-in-Furness, England, was an honored agent of the Lord in
this blessed work.

The annual expenses of the church, averaging $650, are always paid
promptly, and this year, in addition, the church has remitted $100
to the treasury of the American Missionary Association.

_Spain St. Church, New Orleans (Rev. Henry A. Ruffin, Pastor)._—Mr.
Ruffin was a student in the theological department of Straight
University for four or five years, and was in charge of the church
at the same time, as he is to-day.

The church has been disturbed during the year by a few bad men,
ambitious to rule, and so obstructing the progress of the Lord’s
work and restricting the influence and usefulness of the pastor;
but by patience and wise counsels the difficulty seems to be tided
over, and the church started on a new career of prosperity.

_Morris Brown Chapel, New Orleans (Rev. Isaac H. Hall,
Pastor)._—Mr. Hall was a delegate of the S.W. Association to the
National Council at St. Louis. He was a student for several years
at Straight University. The church has had a constant though not
rapid growth. Its membership of 110 represents a good deal of
hard work in prayer. A few converts are gathered in every year.
The church has a small debt of about $250, which it is struggling
bravely to discharge. Whenever a dollar can be transferred from
the fund for ordinary expenses to sinking fund it is done, and
the church will celebrate its jubilee when the last dollar of
indebtedness is paid.

_Algiers and Gretna._—There are two churches across the river from
New Orleans, one in Algiers and the other in Gretna. Rev. James
Craig is pastor at Algiers, and Rev. Putney W. Ward at Gretna. With
better schools in these two places, there would be better churches.
The mass of the people need enlightening, and until it is done the
church will dash against the breakers. Ignorance is never in accord
with quiet, progressive and spiritual church life. These churches
have now reached a crisis in their history which means either fatal
disaster or a new and better lease of life. May God guide and
bring order out of confusion. In the parish of St. Mary we have an
interesting and hopeful group of churches.

_Terrebonne (Rev. Daniel Clay, Pastor)._—The house of worship
is new, tasteful and admirably fitted for its purposes. Neatly
painted, with good bell, the church-yard surrounded by a
whitewashed fence, and in the rear the pretty cottages of the
pastor and his son, nothing more could be desired. It is really
beautiful. And how happy Bro. Clay is—how proud of his church and
immense congregation! He feels that God has been good to him, and
after many fierce storms, has conducted him to a peaceful and happy
old age.

This church was built and paid for by the voluntary offerings of
the people. I think they have never solicited a dollar of outside
aid. They have built just as fast as they could pay for the work.
No shadow of debt has ever dimmed their joy.

The Association met with this church in April. Great congregations
flocked to the meetings, and immediately upon the adjournment of
the Association, a revival of peculiar grace and tenderness was
enjoyed, and some precious souls “given their liberty.”

_Terrebonne Station (Rev. Benjamin Field, licensed Preacher, acting
Pastor). Lafourche Crossing (Rec. Wm. Reid, Pastor)._—These two
churches are under the general supervision of Bro. Clay, and look
to him for counsel as to a father. There is a peculiar bond binding
these little churches of like faith together. When the Lord’s work
is revived in one, the others hasten to share in the blessing,
and when trouble is developed in one, the others are quick to
sympathize and help. The Lafourche church are proposing to buy a
new lot and build a pretty chapel. They have very great faith in
their prospective growth.

_New Iberia._—St. Paul’s church is one of the strongest and most
stable in the Association. The September gale leveled their old
building. It was a blessing in disguise, for a new and substantial
church has risen in its place. How much the stimulus of necessity
will accomplish!

Rev. W. R. Polk, a _protege_ of Dr. Cuyler, is the pastor. The
services are orderly and intelligent. Situated in the midst
of one of the most fruitful sections of the state, and almost
every colored man owning his homestead, and some of them in the
realization of the freedman’s ambition, “_forty acres and a mule_,”
there is a look of prosperity about church and people that is
refreshing. They are now self-supporting. They are also rejoicing
over several additions to the church on profession of faith.

We must now group together a few churches, small as yet, but giving
promise of great usefulness. They are situated in important centres
with respect to colored population, and the absence of churches
except at great distances.

_Lockport and Harangville_—Under the missionary supervision of
Brother Ward, of Gretna. He pays them a monthly or semi-monthly
visit, and they do the best they can in the interval. When they
get stronger they will require and can pay for the regular services
of a resident minister.

_Peteance and Little Pecan_—Under the pastoral care of Rev. Wm.
Butler. Mr. Butler teaches a day school at Peteance, five miles
from New Iberia. Both these churches have houses of worship, and
are full of faith in the increase of future years. God grant their
faith may be rewarded.

Churches at _Bayou Du Large_ (Rev. Humphrey Williams, Pastor),
and at _Grand Bayou_ (S. Williams, Pastor), are new churches,
organized within the year, attracted by the simplicity, liberty and
spirituality of the Congregational mode of government. They have
cordially united hands with us.

_Abberville_—Needs a house of worship, and until it is built we
cannot begin to write its history. A church without a shelter is a
church in the wilderness indeed; and in this part of the world is
no church, but a scattered flock seeking a fold.

_Lake Peigneur (Rev. C. E. Smith, Pastor)._—This church enjoys
stated preaching. When the pastor is absent, some layman who has
the “gift” of exhorting calls the people together. The homes of
the people are often far apart. It is a rich prairie section, and
all or nearly all come on horse-back. There is very little abject
poverty. The labor of the men and women is sought, and commands a
living price. The land itself can be purchased from $10 to $15 per
acre, and so our friends are driving down the stakes into _their
own soil_. Once the negro had a right only in “God’s acre,” and not
that till he was dead. Now he holds the _title-deed_ to his own
property, sealed with the great seal of Louisiana. God be praised!
How restful to the tired laborer is a bed in his own cottage! How
much better Christian he can be, with his own home, with all the
amenities and domestic comforts of the family circle, and with the
inducements thus supplied to be good and to do good!

       *       *       *       *       *



This is a University church, and the work done by it is so
intimately connected with that done by the University that they
cannot be separated. Its membership is now 171 and is composed
largely of students. During vacation its meetings stop. It was
organized in 1868, and since that time no year has passed in the
history of the University without from 12 to 70 conversions. During
the past school year two powerful seasons of refreshing resulted
in the conversion of 68 students. The additions to the church have
been mostly on profession of faith, and have averaged more than
20 annually. In connection with the institution, of which the
church is a part, are a Sunday-school, a college, Y.M.C.A., and a
missionary society for the evangelization of Africa. Many class
prayer meetings are also held.

From the University between 100 and 150 students, most of whom are
members of the church, go out to teach school during vacation.
These teachers organize Sunday-schools and temperance societies.
Five of the students have already gone as missionaries to Africa;
others are preparing to go, having consecrated themselves to the
work of African missions. Many of the students, members of the
church, are now engaged in the work of preaching the Gospel in the
churches of the South; others are preparing to preach. The work was
never so promising as now.

       *       *       *       *       *



I can only speak of special interest awakened last fall and
early winter, carried on mainly among the young people of the
American Missionary Association school (Le Moyne Normal). Many
of these pupils were also our Sunday-school scholars. Of perhaps
40 converted, six united with our church. Since November 1, 1880,
seven have united with this church on profession and nine by letter.

The Sunday-school is well attended, averaging from 100 to 140
during the latter part of winter and spring, and now in vacation
about 75; general interest good.

Since January 1st, money raised for missionary purposes $20.

About 12 pupils of Le Moyne School are from our church, some of
them members, others from families in part or entirely connected
with it. One young man is teaching during the summer; will be in
school next year.

       *       *       *       *       *



The year has not passed without giving us tokens of God’s special
favor. The hopeful conversion of four persons, who are standing
firm in the faith and doing good service in the church, and the
renewed quickening of the whole church, are some of the happy
results of the Holy Spirit’s special presence. The Sunday-school is
full of interest; average attendance about 90 scholars, with eight
earnest teachers who were once our scholars. The Sunday-school
has a library of about 70 volumes of good books, which are quite
generally read by the school.

Twenty-one persons have left us at different times to engage in
study either in Atlanta or Fisk University, nine of whom are
teaching and doing good work otherwise, while one is over in the
southern part of France preaching the Gospel. The church has paid
$26.10 toward missionary purposes.

       *       *       *       *       *



The church here is the one church of the place, undenominational,
unsectarian. All who here profess faith in the Lord Jesus as their
personal Saviour from sin, and are baptized in His name as His true
followers, are recognized as in the body, and their fellowship is
cherished whilst they maintain Christian character.

The present membership is 171; number added during the past year,
13; average attendance at the Sabbath-school, 192. Four other
Sabbath-schools are under the supervision of members of the church;
in these there is a total average attendance of 208.

During the past year we erected here a neat plain building as a
church house and college chapel. It will seat some 500 people.

We have here, conducted and managed chiefly by members of the
church, the most vigorous temperance association in the state,
including over 1,600 pledges. Our relations to the churches and
people around us are eminently friendly and pleasant. There is to
us an open door that no man can shut. To God be the glory.

The church at Union Chapel, Jackson County, has just entered into a
new church house; has the aid of two resident elders, and a monthly
visit from Bro. Bunting, associate pastor at Berea. The churches
in Bracken and Lewis Counties are without a pastor; they sustain a
regular prayer meeting and Sunday-school.

The church at Camp Nelson, Jessamine County, is without a regular
pastor. The members keep up frequent meetings and a promising
Sunday-school. We expect the presence and aid of Rev. J. T. Browne
as a pastor to some of these churches. Many useful fields could be
occupied if we had support for pastors.

       *       *       *       *       *



Our work here, as you know, is in its very infancy; organized
27th of February, 1881, with 40 communicants. Since then we have
received by recommendation or letter 32 more. Our Sunday-school is
in excellent condition, averages 80 scholars, besides teachers,
&c. Our greatest need is competent Christian teachers. We have
purchased a lot in a very desirable part of the city (corner lot)
at $400. Have paid $140 toward it. Have laid the foundation on it
for a church. We are now negotiating for lumber, &c., with which
to erect the superstructure. Hope to go into it November 1st, and
also to lay the corner-stone very soon. Have raised since organized
$468 for church purposes. Hope to send one pupil to Fisk next fall.
Probably we may send two. Mrs. Foster (the pastor’s wife) expects
to begin missionary work here next fall. We pride ourselves on
being among a benevolent, generous class of Christians. All are
hopeful of success. Some certainly will be Congregationalists. Will
some Christian philanthropist help us?

       *       *       *       *       *



After years of toil and waiting we are made to rejoice in a revival
of religion; not the old, with its fanaticism and immoralities.
It is no easy task to educate an unlettered people to reject the
past and adopt a new and higher form of Christian life; to change
a prayerless and violent home into one of song and praise. This is
our work.

After a meeting of fifteen days we received five persons into the
church on profession of faith, all from the Sunday-school, two
of whom are teachers. After a few days’ rest we opened a meeting
with the church in Helena, that continued eleven days. As a result
we received seven members. These, too, were connected with the
Sunday-school. In both meetings the interest continued till the

Rev. M. Thompson, my associate in work with these two churches, is
a brother greatly beloved by all who know him. If he had a few more
books, and our churches had one communion service between them,
many hearts would rejoice and many thanks would be given to the

       *       *       *       *       *



We have had no special revival since last summer. Four, however,
have been added to the church during the year, two by letter and
two by profession. Without any formal organization, I am happy
to say that my people are abstainers from intoxicating liquors.
There is a temperance society in the city, but I do not espouse
its cause, because it is a secret society. Our Sabbath-school is
crowded every Lord’s day. We are endeavoring to introduce the
catechism, and thus far have been quite successful. Our great need
is a house of worship. We can scarcely hold services in the old
barn we now occupy on account of leakage when it rains and snows.
We have recently purchased a very desirable church lot not far from
the centre of the city, on which we expect to erect a new church.

Two of my male members are carrying on missionary work in the
country with encouraging success. We sustain a neighborhood prayer
meeting, which is doing much good. A bright future is before us.

       *       *       *       *       *



I have only been in charge of this mission one year. On my arrival
I found everything to discourage me. Both white and black people
were prejudiced against the work of the Association, but the
future, perhaps, will tell better. I have the pleasure of preaching
to a congregation most of the time which cannot be comfortably
seated in the church building. We have a membership of twenty,
which is quite small, but the material for a Congregational church
has not matured in Texas yet. When young men and women possessing
the power of the Holy Spirit shall have taught among these people,
then Congregational churches will commence to spring up over Texas.
Over 45 of our young men and women have joined the temperance
union. I have also a benevolent literary society organized, which
is making good progress.

       *       *       *       *       *



Our church has been revived and all its services are well attended.
The whole church is a temperance society. We are becoming more
and more in favor with other churches both white and colored. The
hope of our church is in the boys and girls at school. Already two
ministers have gone forth from us, one of whom is doing good work
for four Baptist churches which he has in charge. The other one
also is a great power for good. Our church has been more anxious
for the souls of men than for their names upon its list. The
attendance at the Sabbath-school is good, made up in part of a
large Bible class of elderly people.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *


_Auxiliary to the American Missionary Association._

Stone, D.D., Robert B. Forman, Rev. T. K. Noble, Hon. F. F. Low,
Rev. I. E. Dwinell, D.D., Hon. Samuel Cross, Rev. S. H. Willey,
D.D., Jacob S. Taber.

DIRECTORS: Rev. George Mooar, D.D., Hon. E. D. Sawyer, Rev. E. P.
Baker, James M. Haven, Esq., Rev. Joseph Rowell, Rev. John Kimball,
A. L. Van Blarcon, Esq., George Harris, Esq., and the Secretary ex

SECRETARY: Rev. W. C. Pond. TREASURER: E. Palache, Esq.

       *       *       *       *       *


The following cheery item it was my privilege to publish in the
_Pacific_ of June 20th. I am sure that it will interest the readers

In connection with our California Chinese mission, thirteen schools
were sustained during the month of June. This is one less than
were in operation in May, the school at Tucson, Arizona, having
been discontinued temporarily. But the number of pupils enrolled
was 595—a net gain over the preceding month of 45, and the largest
enrollment ever reported. The average attendance was 314—larger
by 10 than during the preceding month, and larger than was ever
reported before. In the course of this fiscal year, thus far, not
less than 1,465 Chinese have been enrolled in these schools, and
have thus been reached by Gospel influences. Among the pupils now
in the schools, 128 are reported as giving evidence of conversion.

_Laborers wanted for God’s Harvest._—Christ bids us pray for these.
I ask the readers of the MISSIONARY to join us in prayer for more
Chinese helpers made fit by the power of God’s Spirit for the work
that they, they alone, can do. The teacher in one of our more
recently established schools writes me as follows: “I find it very
hard to get along alone. We sadly need an efficient Chinese helper.
The boys are beginning to think and ask so many questions, and
each requires so much time for himself, that it is often after ten
o’clock P. M. when I get through. Then there are so many Chinese
outside that we cannot reach, and who will not come to school; and
they need some one to meet with them and talk to them in their own

What is true of this school is just as true of all the rest. We
have now nine of those helpers employed. I should like to add
four to the list as soon as September 1st. Can I have the means to
sustain them? I believe that if the Lord will send forth the men, I
will trust Him for the money. But I certainly purpose not to waste
the Lord’s money sustaining men whom I alone, not He, have called
into the field. Unite with us in prayer for the _right_ men.

_A Helper’s Sermon._—Lou Quong is at present our helper in the
West School in this city. He is a servant in a Christian family,
working at reduced wages in order to get time for missionary work.
What he thus loses I make up to him by way of salary. With the
other helpers in this city and Oakland, he meets me at our Central
Mission House for a review of the week’s Bible lessons, and for
mutual conference on all matters bearing on our mission. One of
the exercises is the presentation by each helper of a sketch of a
sermon for criticism and other suggestions from me. The following
was submitted yesterday (June 20th) by Lou Quong. I think that the
readers of the MISSIONARY have never heard from him before.

The text (assigned to all in common on the preceding Wednesday) was
in John xiii. 34, “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love
one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

“Our Lord has given us a new commandment to learn—that we should
love one another. Well, but how many commandments are there?
There are ten old commandments which the Lord gave Moses. The old
commandments say, ‘Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.’ Why
does Jesus give us this new one? Is Christ any better than God? No,
they are the same. It is because Jesus saw the people of the world
needed more charity. Therefore, Christ gave us this one that we
must love one another with brotherly love.

“2. But how can we love one another? Can we love all our brethren
without loving God? Or can we love God without loving our brethren?
No, we cannot love our brethren without loving God, neither can we
love God without loving His people. But we must first love God;
then we shall be able to love the brethren. Do not you know what
the Bible says, ‘we love God because He first loved us.’ _Love_ is
the _greatest word_ in the world. We cannot possibly do anything
without this word. Love the brethren of God’s church as if they
were your own brethren. But what is the reason that we should love
them as our own brethren? Yes, they are truly our own brethren.
Why? Because we are all made of one blood. At the beginning, did
not God make a man and a woman, and told them to love one another,
and keep His commandments? But at last they broke His commands, so
God turned them out of Paradise. Now are they not the father and
mother of us all? Of course, they are. This is why we ought to love
them that are God’s children as well as our own brethren.

“3. But how are we able to love one another? Shall we love them
when they love us? That is a very easy way, but this not the way
of love at all. Or shall we say, we will love them, but the heart
is not willing to do so? Is this the way to love? Or, shall we say
by mouth, yes, we will love him truly, but still try to listen to
him when he talks, or preaching, or studying, to find fault with
him, and go right off and tell some one else instead of telling
his fault before him by yourself alone; is this the way to love?
Or, he speak something against me; then I do not like to speak to
him any more: is that the way to love? Or, to wait, find out all
his mistakes and all his faults, and then go find some one who you
think best,—who you think love you very much, and who you think can
help you any way, and who do always to please you with talk, and
who can scold them better than you, for perhaps they are better
person than you, and perhaps they have more respect of men; and
your heart is full of envying, and always try to knock him down: is
this the way to love one another? Is that your _brother_, that you
ought to treat him so? No, my friends, this is not the way to love
at all. But we are _truly_ to love one another; this is our duty.
What Jesus told us to do, we must do it by heart, not by talk,
nor by pleasing, neither by any other way. But first knowing that
God is always looking down from above, so we must be careful how
we love God and our brother. This is what we ought to have;—that
is, we must first have our hearts pure, then comes the peaceable,
gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and _good fruits of
righteousness, without partiality and without hypocrisy_. Do it by
heart. Amen.”

I have transcribed it just as it was brought in—the first draft
roughly penciled—and the italics are his own. As a work of
homiletic art, it is open to criticism certainly; but as an
utterance of truth, it may reach the case, and fitly stir the
conscience of many an American Christian, as well as of our Chinese

I close with, this extract from the report of the teacher of our
Barnes School: “The most enjoyable lessons to me are those in the
Bible, and I am often surprised at the interest shown, and the
questions and answers given. * * * Last night in Sabbath-school
one was learning the passage, ‘Take heed that ye do not your alms
before men,’ etc. I asked him if he knew what that meant. He
answered, ‘When you give away something, or do something kind to
any body, don’t go talk about it, tell everybody. If you do, God
think you too much foolie.’ I think I have given his exact words.”

       *       *       *       *       *


Room 20, Congregational House, Beacon St., Boston.


       *       *       *       *       *


Miss Julia Wilson, sent out October last by the W.H.M.A., writes
from Baxter Springs, Kansas: The blessing of God has seemed to rest
upon our work from the beginning, in opening the way before us and
in giving us favor with the people for whom we labor.

Kind friends have sent us generous aid, whereby we have been
able to meet our charity work, which although only a small part
of the great whole, is nevertheless a very important part, not
only because we are thus enabled to relieve want and suffering,
but because of the opportunity thereby given to gain a personal
influence over individuals. We often have thirty visitors in a day.
A few minutes are given to one; often hours of precious time must
be given to others, for thus only are their hearts kept with ours.
We encourage, aid, advise as circumstances demand. We are with
our people in sickness, death and also at their funerals. We have
a woman’s school four or five times a week; but our Bible school
is our corner-stone. We have a large attendance in the adult’s
room and also in the children’s department. They listen with
earnestness, and I always feel at the close that the Lord has been
with us. This people have been so accustomed to a mixture of error
with the truth, that simple Bible truth is new to them. I will not
speak of difficulties that must be met and overcome, only to say
that if we did not know we are here in the strength of the Lord, we
might as well go home, so strong a hold has sin in its worst and
most debasing forms upon these people. “But the people who sat in
darkness have seen a great light,” and “they that dwelt in the land
of the shadow of death, upon them has the light shined.” What a
privilege to be a light-bearer for the Lord—to hold the fort at any
point against the might of Satan! For Jesus signals, “I am coming.”
Yes, “We’ll wave the answer back to Heaven. By thy grace we will.”

We would like to give to the readers the diary of Miss. W. for one
month, but have only space for the report of two or three days, to
show how constantly her head, heart and hands are busy in her work:

1st. Sunday-school book, papers and slate pencil to Mr. B., who
came twelve miles. To preacher D., bundle of clothing for himself
and family. 2d, sent soap to H. family, who camped under a tree
after traveling 200 miles; they were wet, weary and hungry. Again,
sent rice to Mrs. G., thread and cloth for children’s clothes to
Mrs. B., the same to Mrs. L., one of whom walked eight miles,
the other twelve, to attend the woman’s school; lesson papers,
Sunday-school papers and cards to three young people who walked
eight miles to reach the mission. Lesson to Mrs. A. in button-hole
making, thread for practice, cards to H. children, and lesson to
Cora. Supper cooked and given to a family of six tired, hungry
people, the most wretched I have seen, also a night’s lodging in
our church. Coat, shirt and decent grave clothes to B. Land given
to three women, two of whom walked eight and the other twelve miles.

The friends who have so generously responded to Miss Wilson’s needs
will see by this report how she has by their gifts been able to
meet the urgent necessities of these poor suffering people. Miss
Wilson lives with her helper, who was a pupil at Hampton Institute
for a time, in a small cottage “shaded from the intense heat by
trees, and furnished with a good well of water, worth more than
a gold mine,” surrounded by the cottages of her people, and so
enabled to bring to bear upon them the influence of a Christian

Boxes and barrels sent during the month of July:

  From Auxiliary in Plainville, Conn., clothing valued      $25.70
    ”  Highland, Ill., to Miss Wilson, Baxter Springs,
       Kansas, one box valued                                48.70
    ”  Philips Church, South Boston, Ladies’ Benevolent
       Society to Miss Wilson, box valued                    55.31
  To Home Missionaries at the West, box valued              132.19

Receipts of Woman’s Home Missionary Association from June 27 to
July 25, 1881:

  From auxiliaries          $360.50
    ”  life members           80.00
    ”  donations             165.95
    ”  annual members          4.00

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *


    “Oh! who is dat a comin’? Don’t you grieve for me.
    De Lord don’t want you to grieve for me.
    ’Tis ole Father Gable (Gabriel),” etc., etc.

Over and over again sounded the weird melody, mingling with the
strains of martial music that floated from the barracks opposite.
Paulphemia seemed to appreciate better her own melody, with its
accompaniment of heels knocking against the gate-post on which
she sat, than the patriotic “Rally round the flag, boys,” of the

It was after the war and Paulphemia was free. Surely, she knew all
this, for hadn’t her pa fallen in battle, bravely fighting? and
hadn’t she fled with her dear widowed missus and little missuses
in as great terror as they when the Union army entered the city?
For she loved this mistress, and was only dimly sure that freedom
was to be such a glorious thing. Surely no one knew better than
Paulphemia that she was free, and yet where was the use in singing
all day, “I’se free, thank de Lord,” or of falling on her knees
periodically to shout and praise God, as “_maw_” did?

I have said that she seemed to appreciate better her own doleful
melody than the martial music; in reality, though, her song was a
kind of “Get thee behind me, Satan,” to the tempter urging her to
run over to the barracks.

Indeed Paulphemia’s cup was one of mingled joy and pain, and
therein, although as black as ebony, she was akin to us. True, she
was free; that meant she had no more _toting_ of missus’ babies.
But when she lived with missus, she didn’t have to live with ma;
and Paulphemia would have told you, “this ma ain’t my ma, ’cause
my own dear ma done died,” and this ma had decreed that the child
should not run loose hither and yon, and especially should not
go over to the fort and barracks. Paulphemia almost envied the
little dwarf, her neighbor, poor little Joe Morgan, whose body and
limbs were so distorted and mixed up that he could scratch his ear
or his little woolly head with his toes. For the amusement this
accomplishment afforded the soldiers, he was welcome at any time,
and in this way picked up many a penny.

“Paulphemie,” shouted an imperative voice, “I’se a gwine ter whip
you, chile, if you darst go over to them quarters!” The old woman,
with her threat and her stick for enforcing it, appeared most
opportunely in the cabin door, for the child had slid from the
gate-post and in another second would have rallied round the flag;
but with a face expressive of innocence itself, she responded,
“I’se jis a comin’, maw!” This meekness deceived the old woman and
she changed her menacing tones. “Honey,” she said, “your _pore_
ma’s done died, an’ nebber lived to see us free! Say, honey, reckon
you’d like for to be a lady like ole missus?” “Dunno,” answered
Paulphemia, for “Yankee Doodle” was just then driving her almost
wild. “Say, honey, reckon you’d like for to go to the big paid

At this the child opened wider her big eyes, for next to the
barracks in point of mystery was the large school into which
she had longed to penetrate. “You get learning, chile, an’ get
religion, an’ sure ’nough you’se a lady like ole missus.” This was
what the old woman told Paulphemia then, and afterward put her to

Years came and went as years will do, some three or four or five;
and after a time the blue-coats vanished from the city, martial
music was no more heard, and the forts crowning the beautiful
hills and all the barracks about them became deserted and silent.
Still the school in the hospital buildings continued and increased
in prosperity, and still the years rolled on, fourteen of them, and
even the hospital buildings became deserted, for the Freedmen’s
school had long since outgrown its quarters, and from one of the
beautiful hills it proudly and peacefully looks down upon the city,
that proudly and in peace gazes up to it.

On a day when the Southern sunshine was brightest, one of the
professors, on his way to the University, was stopped by an aged
colored woman, bowed over on a walking-stick, and hobbling to
meet him. “Howdy,” said she, “is you de teacher up yonder?” and
she pointed to the stately hall. “Yes, auntie,” he replied with
a smile. “Can I do anything for you?” “Reckon you don’t ’member
Paulphemie Watkins?”—and as she spoke the name, her voice grew even
more tremulous.

The professor regretfully said he did not recall her. “I ’spects
you doesn’t,” added the old auntie. “Well, down yonder, sah, when
dis yere school was a baby, you know, down yonder in de guv’ment
buildings, my Paulphemie went to your paid school; she got religion
thar, and—and (wiping slowly her eyes) she done got de _choleray_
and done died, nigh on ter fourteen year ago now, sah. Praise de
Lord! she got religion, and she gone home ter glory!” And then the
poor old thing, after placing her walking-stick so that she could
safely lean on it and have her hands free, removed from her bosom
a handkerchief, and with trembling fingers untied a knot in one
corner; then she placed in the professor’s hand, counting them out
one by one, six silver dollars. “For my Paulphemie’s larnin’, sah.
I couldn’t pay it sooner, sah; but, sure ’nough, its done laid like
a stone right here all dese yere years,” she said, putting her hand
on her heart. "I prayed de Lord an’ I said, O! good Lord, don’t
lemme come home to glory till I done paid for Paulphemie’s larnin’!
It’s a pretty day, sah; I lives a right smart o’ way yonder, an’ my
ole feet don’t go fast, so good evening."[A] With those words she
would have gone. The professor’s eyes were moist, and he had hardly
spoken, so strange had been the scene, but now he followed her,
begging her gently to keep the money. With pride and almost anger
she refused, and after learning where her home was, he was obliged
to let her go, contenting himself with a plan to fully make up to
her in some way the sum she had left in his hands.

Walking slowly and thoughtfully toward the University, he seemed to
hear not “the still, sad music of humanity;” for how could he dare
to _pity_ a soul so noble? But an angel’s plaudit spoke for her,
“She hath done what she could.”


[A] This incident of the aged colored woman’s honesty is true, and
occurred during the past winter.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *

  MAINE, $171.23.

    Bath. Central Ch. and Soc.                               $15.00
    Portland. State St. Ch.                                  150.00
    South Paris. Cong. Ch.                                     6.23

  NEW HAMPSHIRE, $293.23.

    Centre Harbor. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         17.00
    Concord. South Cong. Ch. and Soc., $100.57, to
      const. MRS. SARA H. HARRINGTON, L. M.; Miss
      A. J. H. and Others, $2; “A Friend,” $1                103.57
    Fitzwilliam. MRS. LOUISA HILL, to const.
      herself L. M.                                           30.00
    Henniker. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              25.00
    Hollis. Cong. Ch.                                          5.20
    Reese. First Cong. Sab. Sch.                              39.00
    Milford. Cong. Ch. ($10 of wh. bal. to const.
      ANDREW J. HUTCHINSON, L. M.)                            18.75
    Nashua. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          20.27
    New Ipswich. Cong. Ch.                                    12.44
    Pembroke. “A. T.”                                          5.00
    Short Falls. I. W. Chandler                                2.00
    Webster. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               15.00

  VERMONT, $1,181.45.

    Brownington & Barton Landing. Cong. Ch. and
      Soc.                                                    20.83
    Johnson. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               10.00
    Middlebury. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                            44.72
    Saint Albans. A. O. Brainerd                              25.00
    Sheldon. Cong. Ch.                                         5.00
    Shoreham. Cong. Ch. and Soc. (ad’l)                        0.51
    Springfield. A. Woolson                                  200.00
    West Brattleborough. Cong. Ch. and Soc.,
      $9.88; Mrs. Fannie C. Gaines, $5                        14.88
    West Dover. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             3.00
    Wilmington. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             5.26
    Windsor. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. MRS.
      LYDIA WHEELER, and DEA. C. D. HAZEN, L. M’s             52.25

    Springfield. Estate of Dea. Charles Haywood,
      by Geo. P. Haywood, Ex.                                800.00

  MASSACHUSETTS, $8,237.48.

    Amesbury. Mrs. A. L. Bayley, to const. REV. W.
      F. SLOCUM, L. M.                                        30.00
    Amherst. First Cong. Ch., $25; South Cong. Ch.
      and Soc., $6                                            31.00
    Andover. Free Cong. Ch. and Soc., $93.41, to
      RICHARDSON, L. M’s; Chapel Ch. and Soc.
      (ad’l) $20                                             113.41
    Arlington. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             35.00
    Belchertown. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                           27.00
    Boston. Highland Cong. Ch. and Society,
      $37.50; Rev. Photius Fisk, $10; Mrs. M. L.
      50c.; Mrs. J. L. T., 50c.; J. T. J., 51c.               49.01
    Boston Highlands. Eliot Cong. Ch.                         80.49
    Brookline. Harvard Cong. Ch.                             112.91
    Cambridgeport. Ladies’ Sewing Circle of
      Pilgrim Ch., Box of C.
    Campello. “A Friend”                                      50.00
    Chelsea. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., $38.38;
      Mrs. A. E. P., 50c.                                     38.88
    Concord. Ellen T. Emerson                                 10.00
    Curtisville. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                           16.00
    Douglas. “A Friend”                                        1.00
    Easthampton. First Ch. Sab. Sch.                          23.17
    Fairhaven. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       10.00
    Greenfield. First Cong Ch. and Soc.                       12.75
    Lawrence. South Cong. Ch. and Soc.                        16.00
    Littleton. “A Friend”                                     50.00
    Marblehead. Hon. J. J. H. Gregory, _for
      Buildings at Wilmington, N.C._                       1,500.00
    Marlborough. Union Ch. and Soc.                           57.00
    Marshfield. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                      57.43
    Medway. Village Ch. and Soc.                              85.06
    Medway. Mrs. Fisher, _for Straight U._                     5.00
    Middleton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             12.00
    Millbury. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                        54.25
    Natick. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          50.00
    New Bedford. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                     35.00
    Newburyport. Miss L. B. Goodrich                           4.00
    Newton. Eliot Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         160.00
    Newton Centre. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.,
      $46.45; S. A. E., 50c.                                  46.95
    Northampton. “A Friend”                                  150.00
    Northfield. Miss M. E. Hilliard                            5.00
    North Somerville. “A Friend,” $1; “A Friend,” $1           2.00
    Orleans. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                2.00
    Pittsfield. South Cong. Ch. and Soc.                      44.05
    Salem. South Church and Soc., $73.22;
      “Friend,” $5                                            78.22
    Sandwich. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              53.25
    South Dennis. Cong Ch. and Soc.                           12.04
    Sudbury. Ladies’ Miss. Soc., Bbl. of C., val.
      $29, and $3 _for freight, for Tillotson C. &
      N. Inst._                                                3.00
    Taunton. Ladies of Winslow Ch., _for
      furnishing a room, Stone Hall, Talladega C._            50.00
    Templeton. Trin. Cong. Ch. and Soc., $24.84;
      S. N. W., $1                                            25.84
    Townsend. Cong. Ch., by Dea. W. Haynes                     5.00
    Wakefield. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             61.23
    Watertown. Phillips Cong. Ch. and Soc.                   100.00
    West Roxbury. S. D. Smith                                100.00
    West Worthington. Mrs. Arunah Bartlett                     5.00
    Williamsburgh. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         60.00
    Williamstown. First Cong. Ch.                             17.20
    Wilmington. J. Skilton                                    10.00
    Wilmington. Rev. D. T. Noyes, Bbl. of C. _for
    Woburn. “Friends.”                                         1.00
    Worcester. Central Ch. and Soc., $169.24;
      Union Ch. and Soc., $140.10; Salem St. Cong.
      Ch., $6                                                315.34
    —— “A Friend”                                              2.50

    Worcester. Estate of I. Washburn, by P. C.
      Bacon, Adm.                                          3,361.50
    Boston. Estate of Hon. Stephen N. Stockwell,
      by Geo. W. Merritt and W. W. Clapp, Executors        1,000.00

  RHODE ISLAND, $1,035.00.

    Bristol. Mrs. M. De W. Rogers and Miss
      Charlotte De Wolf, _for Fisk U._                     1,000.00
    Little Compton. United Cong. Ch. and Soc.                 21.00
    Little Compton. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for
      rebuilding, Tougaloo U._                                14.00

  CONNECTICUT, $2,387.92.

    Barkhamsted. Rev. J. B. Clarke                             2.00
    Berlin. Second Cong. Ch., $22; Miss C. R. C., $1          23.00
    Canaan. “The Children”                                     5.00
    Collinsville. “A Friend”                                   2.00
    Columbia. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              21.85
    Danielsonville. J. C. B.                                   0.50
    Danielsonville. Westfield Cong. Ch. and Soc.
      ($50 of which for furnishing a room in Stone
      Hall, Straight U.), to const. EDWIN A.
      LILLIBRIDGE, L. M’s                                    100.00
    East Canaan. Cong. Ch.                                    20.84
    East Haddam. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                     71.75
    Ellsworth. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             18.74
    Enfield. First Cong. Sab. Sch.                            15.00
    Farmington. Cong. Ch.                                     45.83
    Gilead. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Lord                         10.00
    Guilford. First Cong. Ch.                                 23.00
    Hadlyme. “L.”                                              2.00
    Hartford. Centre Ch., $789; Asylum Hill Cong.
      Ch., $188.21                                           977.21
    Hebron. First Cong. Ch.                                   15.00
    Higganum. Cong. Ch., to const. R. J. GLADWIN,
      L. M.                                                   44.00
    Hockanum. South Cong. Ch., $9.63; Mrs. E. M.
      Roberts, $5; Mrs. S. W. and Miss M. B., 50c.
      ea.                                                     15.63
    Ledyard. Sab. Sch., by Edward Cook, Treas.                10.00
    Meriden. Third Cong. Ch.                                  22.76
    Middlebury. Cong. Ch.                                     29.50
    Middletown. South Cong. Ch. and Soc.                      39.55
    New Fairfield. First Cong. Ch.                            11.51
    North Guilford. S. R. Fowler                               6.00
    North Haven. Cong. Ch., to const. GEO. H.
      COOPER and CULLEN B. FOOTE, L. M’s                      72.53
    Putnam. Sab. Sch., of Second Cong. Ch., _for
      ed. of an Indian boy, Hampton N. and A.
      Inst._                                                  30.00
    Putnam. “A Friend”                                        17.50
    Redding. Cong. Ch.                                        15.69
    Rockville. Rev. S. B. F.                                   0.51
    Salisbury. Cong. Ch.                                      61.68
    Stamford. Cong. Ch.                                      111.00
    Simsbury. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              37.35
    South Killingly. Rev. Wm. H. Beard                         5.00
    Stratford. Asa S. Curtis                                   2.00
    Woodbury. Mrs. C. P. Churchill, _for Indian M._            2.00

    New London. “Trust Estate of Henry P. Haven”             500.00

  NEW YORK, $1,540.32.

    Binghamton. Chas. A. Beach                                25.00
    Brentwood. E. F. Richardson                               15.00
    Brooklyn. Central Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., Geo. A.
      Bell, Supt., _for Missionaries at Ladies
      Island, S.C., and Fernandina, Fla._                    125.00
    Ithaca. Mrs. Lucy Thurber                                  5.00
    Jamestown. Sab. Sch. and Cong. Ch., _for
      school, Athens, Ala._                                   12.50
    Marilla. “A Friend”                                        1.00
    New York. S. T. Gordon, $200; N.Y. Colored
      Mission Sab. Sch., 135, West 30th St., $3.15           203.15
    Oswego. Cong. Ch.                                         65.90
    Poughkeepsie. First Reformed Ch., $29.52;
      First Cong. Ch., $12                                    41.52
    Sing Sing. “Friends”                                       5.00
    Spencerport. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch.                 17.25
    Walton. “A Friend,” _for Steamer “John Brown,”
      Mendi M._                                               10.00
    West Camden. Miss N. Curtiss, $1.25; P. S. S.,
      75c.                                                     2.00
    West Groton. Cong. Ch.                                    12.00

    Nineveh. Estate of Col. Reuben Lovejoy, by
      Mrs. Mary B. Lovejoy, Executrix                      1,000.00

  NEW JERSEY, $10.70.

    Newark. “A Friend”                                         0.70
    Troy. Mrs. Jane Ford                                      10.00


    Prentiss Vale. Rev. M. W. Strickland                       5.00
    West Alexander. ——                                        10.00

  OHIO, $336.99.

    Andover. Cong. Ch.                                         4.00
    Clarksfield. W. A. A.                                      1.00
    Cleveland. Euclid Ave. Cong. Ch., $42.37, ($30
      of which to const. J. W. ELLSWORTH, L. M.);
      R. B. Johns, $2.50                                      44.87
    Cuyahoga Falls. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                        18.15
    Freedom. Cong. Ch., by Rev. Geo. Thompson                  8.00
    Garrettsville. Cong. Ch.                                  13.00
    Hudson. Hiram Thompson                                     5.00
    Lodi. Cong. Ch.                                           20.00
    Madison. Mrs. James Dayton, Bbl. of Papers and
      $2.30 _for freight, for Macon, Ga._                      2.30
    Oberlin. Second Cong. Ch., $17.46; W. G. B.,
      50c.                                                    17.96
    Oberlin. Rev. Geo. Thompson, _for Mendi M._                5.00
    Oberlin. Sab. Sch. in Farrer Neighborhood                  2.00
    Painesville. First Cong. Ch.                              39.24
    Randolph. W. J. Dickinson                                 10.00
    Ravenna. Cong. Ch.                                        41.18
    Savannah. James Lawson                                     5.00
    Sharon Centre. Mrs. L. A. J. and Mrs. E. R.,
      50c. ea.                                                 1.00
    Springfield. First Cong. Ch.                               4.76
    Strongsville. Lyman H. Freeman, _for
      furnishing a room, Strieby Hall, Tougaloo U.,
      and bal. to const._ CLARA M. HOWARD, L. M.               5.00
    Tallmadge. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             41.60
    Tallmadge. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for S. S. work,
      Mobile, Ala._                                           25.47
    West Andover. Cong. Ch.                                   22.46

  INDIANA, $100.00.

    Michigan City. First Cong. Ch.                           100.00

  ILLINOIS, $1,004.09.

    Aurora. Mrs. Philena Johnson                              10.00
    Bondville. “A Friend”                                      5.00
    Bunker Hill. Cong. Ch.                                    15.00
    Canton. First Cong. Ch.                                   28.00
    Chesterfield. Mrs. T. Dowland                              5.00
    Byron. Mrs. T. H. Read, $10; Cong. Ch., $8.53             18.53
    Chicago. Union Park Cong. Ch., $350.40; South
      Cong. Ch., $33.30; New England Cong. Ch.
      (Mon. Con.), $12; M. A., $1                            396.70
    Chicago. Ladies’ Aid Soc. of Plymouth Cong.
      Ch., $50; Woman’s Miss. Soc. of South Cong.
      Ch., $8.75; Mrs. M. W. Mabbs, $5, _for Lady
      Missionary, Mobile, Ala._                               63.75
    Downers Grove. Cong. Ch.                                   5.00
    Earlville. Cong. Ch. ($30 of which to const.
      MISS TILLIE HART, L. M.)                                41.50
    Elgin. Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., _for Student Aid,
      Fisk U._                                                50.00
    Elmhurst. Seth Wadhams                                    25.00
    Elmwood. Cong. Ch.                                        42.65
    Galena. Mrs. Anne Bean                                     2.00
    Galesburg. Mrs. E. T. Parker, $30; Ladies’
      Miss. Soc. of First Cong. Ch., $10                      40.00
    Hutsonville. C. V. NEWTON, to const. himself,
      L. M.                                                   30.00
    Jacksonville. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for
      rebuilding, Tougaloo, Miss._                            10.00
    Lamoille. Ladies of Cong. Soc., _for Lady
      Missionary, Savannah, Ga._                              20.00
    Loda. Cong. Ch. (Decoration Day offering)                 13.34
    Lyonsville. Cong. Ch.                                     16.89
    Malden. Cong. Ch.                                         10.25
    Maple Park. J. G. Snow                                     5.00
    Millburn. Cong. Ch.                                       23.75
    Moline. Miss Etta M. Pitts                                10.00
    Northampton. R. W. Gilliam                                 5.00
    Oak Park. Mrs. Lyman G. Holley                             5.00
    Port Byron. Ladies’ Miss. Soc.                             5.00
    Sycamore. Cong. Ch., $77.03; Henry Wood, $10              87.03
    Wayne. Cong. Ch.                                           9.20
    Wilmette. Mrs. A. T. S.                                    0.50
    Woodburn. Children’s Nickel Mite Soc., by Eula
      E. Carson, Treas.                                        5.00

  MICHIGAN, $213.62.

    Delhi. Norman Dwight                                      10.00
    Grand Rapids. First Cong. Sab. Sch., _for
      Woodville, Ga._                                         30.00
    Greenville. Mrs. E. Middleton                              2.00
    Hudson. Cong. Ch.                                         21.54
    Kensington. John Thompson                                  2.00
    Litchfield. Woman’s Miss. Soc.                            12.00
    Port Huron. First Cong. Ch.                               43.80
    Romeo. “A Friend,” $20, _for Indian M._; and
      $20, _for Tillotson C. and N. Inst._, and to
      const. CHARLES FAIRFIELD, L. M.                         40.00
    Saint Clair. Cong. Ch.                                    12.28
    Somerset. Cong. Ch.                                       20.00
    Unadilla. Mrs. Agnes D. Bird                               2.00
    Wayne. Cong. Ch.                                          16.00
    White Lake. John Garner                                    2.00

  IOWA, $510.89.

    Anamosa. Cong. Ch., $3.50, and Sab. Sch., $3.95            7.45
    Belle Plaine. J. P. Henry, $5; Mrs. C. M.
      Henry, $5; Freddie and Josie Henry, 50c. ea.            11.00
    Cincinnati. Wm. T. Reynolds                                5.00
    Cresco. Cong. Ch.                                          6.50
    Davenport. Rev. J. A. Reed, _for Stone Hall,
      Talladega C._                                           10.00
    Davenport. Rev. J. G. Merrill, _for
      President’s House, Talladega, Ala._                     50.00
    Des Moines. Cong. Ch. (of which $100 from Hon.
      Saml. Merrill)                                         173.28
    Dunlap. W. S. Preston, _for furnishing a room
      in Stone Hall, Talladega C._                            35.00
    Grinnell. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                              39.26
    Humboldt. Mrs. L. K. Lorbeer, $2; Mrs. L. A. W., $1        3.00
    Le Grand. L. M. Craig. _for Tougaloo U._                  12.00
    Lyons. First Cong. Ch.                                    24.00
    Monterey. Cong. S. S. Class, _for Chinese M._              0.50
    Muscatine. Cong. Ch.                                      42.85
    Muscatine. Capt. W. A. Clark, _for Stone Hall,
      Talladega C._                                            5.00
    Osage. General Association of Iowa                        10.00
    Osage. Woman’s Missionary Soc., $4.50 _for
      Student Aid, Fisk U._, and $4 _for Lady
      Missionary, New Orleans, La._                            8.50
    Tabor. Cong. Ch.                                          63.00
    Wayne. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                     4.55

  MISSOURI, $23.35.

    Holden. “Mrs. S. E. H.”, _for ed. of Indians,
      Hampton N. and A. Inst._                                 2.00
    Stewartsville. Cong. Ch.                                  13.58
    Webster Groves. Cong. Ch.                                  7.77

  WISCONSIN, $213.41.

    Bloomington. Cong. Ch.                                     4.50
    Brandon. “Busy Bees.” _for Student Aid,
      Tougaloo U._                                            11.18
    Eau Claire. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                5.00
    Geneva. Woman’s Miss. Soc., _for Lady
      Missionary, Talladega, Ala._                            10.00
    Geneva Lake. Presb. Ch.                                   36.57
    Highland. Cong. Ch.                                       15.00
    La Crosse. Boy’s prayer meeting, Cong. Ch.                11.00
    Menominee. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                 9.00
    Milton. Woman’s Miss. Soc., _for Lady
      Missionary, Talladega, Ala._                             2.50
    Milwaukee. Spring St. Cong. Ch. Miss. Soc.,
      _for Lady Missionary, Talladega, Ala._                  10.00
    Monroe. “Our Family Missionary Box,”                       4.75
    New Richmond. First Cong. Ch.                             16.98
    Waupun. Cong. Ch. and Soc. (of which $5 _for
      Chinese M., and_ $5 _for Indian M._) $57.63;
      Cong. Sab Sch., $15                                     72.63
    West Salem. Mrs. Mary L. Clark, Box of Books
      and Papers, and $2.30 _for freight, for
      Macon, Ga._                                              2.30
    White Water. Woman’s Miss. Soc., _for Lady
      Missionary, Talladega, Ala._                             2.00

  KANSAS, $5.25.

    Meriden. L. A.                                             0.25
    Topeka. Justin Hillyer                                     5.00

  MINNESOTA, $107.34.

    Austin. Cong. Ch.                                         21.64
    Elk River. Cong. Ch.                                       3.68
    Faribault. Cong. Ch.                                      25.18
    Glyndon. Mrs. S. N. Millard                                3.66
    Hutchinson. Cong. Ch.                                      2.00
    Minneapolis. Plymouth Cong. Ch., $30.20;
      “Cash,” $1                                              31.20
    Plainview. Woman’s Cent. Soc.                              7.50
    Red Wing. Mrs. J. B. N.                                    0.50
    Saint Charles. Cong. Ch.                                   6.98
    Saint Peter. Mrs. Jane A. Treadwell                        5.00

  NEBRASKA, $11.13.

    Crete. Cong. Ch. (of which $6.34 _for Cal.
      Chinese M._)                                            10.13
    Red Cloud. Cong. Ch.                                       1.00


    Bon Homme. Rev. D. B. N.                                   0.50


    New Tacoma. Mrs. E. T.                                     1.00
    Skokomish. Cong. Mission Ch., _for Indian M._             17.75


    Wilmington. Cong. Ch.                                      5.00

  SOUTH CAROLINA, $219.75.

    Charleston. Avery Inst., Tuition                         219.75

  TENNESSEE, $2.71.

    Chattanooga. Cong. Sab. Sch.                               1.71
    Nashville. E. P. G.                                        1.00

  GEORGIA, $136.35.

    Atlanta. Atlanta U., Tuition, $37.50; Rent,
      $6.00                                                   43.50
    Atlanta. Students and Teachers of Atlanta
      University, _for Cal. Chinese M._                       85.00
    Macon. Cong. Ch., $5; Lewis High School,
      Tuition, 85c.                                            5.85
    Woodville. Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke, _for
      Church building_                                         2.00

  ALABAMA, $39.11.

    Marion. Cong. Ch.                                          3.00
    Selma. First Cong. Ch., $7.25; Woman’s Miss.
      Soc. of First Cong. Ch., $10                            17.25
    Talladega. Talladega C., Tuition                          17.86
    Tuskegee. “Friends,” by Mrs. M., _for Strieby
      Hall, Tougaloo U._                                       1.00

  MISSISSIPPI, $2,022.95.

    Tougaloo. Tougaloo U., Tuition                            22.95
    Tougaloo. State Appropriation                          2,000.00

  TEXAS, $2.30.

    Corpus Christi. First Cong. Ch.                            2.30

  INCOME FUND, $1,266.78.

    Avery Fund                                               711.41
    Graves Library Fund                                      150.00
    Theological Endowment Fund                               404.37
          Total                                           21,112.60
          Total from Oct. 1st to July 31st              $190,824.79

       *       *       *       *       *


    Goshen, Conn. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for furnishing
      a room_                                                $25.00
    Previously acknowledged from Oct. 1st to June
      30th                                                 4,949.71
          Total                                           $4,974.71

       *       *       *       *       *


    Rehoboth, Mass. “A young brother in Cong. Ch.”            $5.00
    Previously acknowledged from Oct. 1st to June
      30th                                                26,284.62
          Total                                          $26,289.62

       *       *       *       *       *


    Buda, Ill. By Mrs. A. M. Haley, in memory of
      Samuel Gordon Haley, for two Haley
      Scholarships in Fisk U.                             $2,000.00

                                     H. W. HUBBARD, _Treas._,
                                                56 Reade St., N.Y.

       *       *       *       *       *

Constitution of the American Missionary Association.


       *       *       *       *       *

ART. I. This Society shall be called “THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY

ART. II. The object of this Association shall be to conduct
Christian missionary and educational operations, and diffuse a
knowledge of the Holy Scriptures in our own and other countries
which are destitute of them, or which present open and urgent
fields of effort.

ART. III. Any person of evangelical sentiments,[A] who professes
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is not a slaveholder, or in the
practice of other immoralities, and who contributes to the funds,
may become a member of the Society; and by the payment of thirty
dollars, a life member; provided that children and others who have
not professed their faith may be constituted life members without
the privilege of voting.

ART. IV. This Society shall meet annually, in the month of
September, October or November, for the election of officers and
the transaction of other business, at such time and place as shall
be designated by the Executive Committee.

ART. V. The annual meeting shall be constituted of the regular
officers and members of the Society at the time of such meeting,
and of delegates from churches, local missionary societies,
and other co-operating bodies, each body being entitled to one

ART. VI. The officers of the Society shall be a President,
Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretaries,
Treasurer, two Auditors, and an Executive Committee of not less
than twelve, of which the Corresponding Secretaries shall be
advisory, and the Treasurer ex officio, members.

ART. VII. To the Executive Committee shall belong the collecting
and disbursing of funds; the appointing, counseling, sustaining
and dismissing (for just and sufficient reasons) missionaries and
agents; the selection of missionary fields; and, in general, the
transaction of all such business as usually appertains to the
executive committees of missionary and other benevolent societies;
the Committee to exercise no ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the
missionaries; and its doings to be subject always to the revision
of the annual meeting, which shall, by a reference mutually
chosen, always entertain the complaints of any aggrieved agent or
missionary; and the decision of such reference shall be final.

The Executive Committee shall have authority to fill all vacancies
occurring among the officers between the regular annual meetings;
to apply, if they see fit, to any State Legislature for acts of
incorporation; to fix the compensation, where any is given, of all
officers, agents, missionaries, or others in the employment of the
Society; to make provision, if any, for disabled missionaries, and
for the widows and children of such as are deceased; and to call,
in all parts of the country, at their discretion, special and
general conventions of the friends of missions, with a view to the
diffusion of the missionary spirit, and the general and vigorous
promotion of the missionary work.

Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for
transacting business.

ART. VIII. This society, in collecting funds, in appointing
officers, agents and missionaries, and in selecting fields of labor
and conducting the missionary work, will endeavor particularly to
discountenance slavery, by refusing to receive the known fruits of
unrequited labor, or to welcome to its employment those who hold
their fellow-beings as slaves.

ART. IX. Missionary bodies, churches or individuals agreeing to
the principles of this society, and wishing to appoint and sustain
missionaries of their own, shall be entitled to do so through the
agency of the Executive Committee, on terms mutually agreed upon.

ART. X. No amendment shall be made to this Constitution without
the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present at a regular
annual meeting; nor unless the proposed amendment has been
submitted to a previous meeting, or to the Executive Committee in
season to be published by them (as it shall be their duty to do, if
so submitted) in the regular official notifications of the meeting.


[A] By evangelical sentiments, we understand, among others, a
belief in the guilty and lost condition of all men without a
Saviour; the Supreme Deity, Incarnation and Atoning Sacrifice
of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of the world; the necessity
of regeneration by the Holy Spirit; repentance, faith and holy
obedience in order to salvation; the immortality of the soul; and
the retributions of the judgment in the eternal punishment of the
wicked, and salvation of the righteous.

       *       *       *       *       *

_The American Missionary Association._

       *       *       *       *       *


To preach the Gospel to the poor. It originated in a sympathy with
the almost friendless slaves. Since Emancipation it has devoted its
main efforts to preparing the FREEDMEN for their duties as citizens
and Christians in America and as missionaries in Africa. As closely
related to this, it seeks to benefit the caste-persecuted CHINESE
in America, and to co-operate with the Government in its humane
and Christian policy toward the INDIANS. It has also a mission in


CHURCHES: _In the South_—In Virginia, 1; North Carolina, 6; South
Carolina, 2; Georgia, 13; Kentucky, 6; Tennessee, 4; Alabama, 14;
Louisiana, 17; Mississippi, 4; Texas, 6. _Africa_, 2. _Among the
Indians_, 1. Total, 76.

SOUTH.—_Chartered_: Hampton, Va.; Berea, Ky.; Talladega, Ala.;
Atlanta, Ga.; Nashville, Tenn.; Tougaloo, Miss.; New Orleans, La.;
and Austin, Texas—8. _Graded or Normal Schools_: at Wilmington,
Raleigh, N.C.; Charleston, Greenwood, S.C.; Savannah, Macon,
Atlanta, Ga.; Montgomery, Mobile, Athens, Selma, Ala.; Memphis,
Tenn.—12. _Other Schools_, 31. Total, 51.

among the Chinese, 22; among the Indians, 11; in Africa, 13. Total,
330. STUDENTS—In Theology, 102; Law, 23; in College Course, 75;
in other studies, 7,852. Total, 8,052. Scholars taught by former
pupils of our schools, estimated at 150,000. INDIANS under the care
of the Association, 13,000.


1. A steady INCREASE of regular income to keep pace with the
growing work. This increase can only be reached by _regular_ and
_larger_ contributions from the churches, the feeble as well as the

2. ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS for our higher educational institutions, to
accommodate the increasing numbers of students; MEETING HOUSES for
the new churches we are organizing; MORE MINISTERS, cultured and
pious, for these churches.

3. HELP FOR YOUNG MEN, to be educated as ministers here and
missionaries to Africa—a pressing want.

Before sending boxes, always correspond with the nearest A. M. A.
office as below:

  NEW YORK   H. W. Hubbard, Esq., Treasurer, 56 Reade Street.
  BOSTON     Rev. C. L. Woodworth, Dis’t Sec., Room 21 Congregational
  CHICAGO    Rev. Jas. Powell, Dis’t Sec., 112 West Washington Street.


This Magazine will be sent gratuitously, if desired, to the
Missionaries of the Association; to Life Members; to all Clergymen
who take up collections for the Association; to Superintendents of
Sabbath-schools; to College Libraries; to Theological Seminaries;
to Societies of Inquiry on Missions; and to every donor who does
not prefer to take it as a subscriber, and contributes in a year
not less than five dollars.

Those who wish to remember the AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION in
their last Will and Testament are earnestly requested to use the


“I BEQUEATH to my executor (or executors) the sum of —— dollars in
trust, to pay the same in —— days after my decease to the person
who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the
‘American Missionary Association’ of New York City, to be applied,
under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association,
to its charitable uses and purposes.”

The Will should be attested by three witnesses (in some States
three are required, in other States only two), who should write
against their names their places of residence (if in cities,
their street and number). The following form of attestation will
answer for every State in the Union: “Signed, sealed, published
and declared by the said (A. B.) as his last Will and Testament,
in presence of us, who, at the request of the said A. B., and in
his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto
subscribed our names as witnesses.” In some States it is required
that the Will should be made at least two months before the death
of the testator.

       *       *       *       *       *


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During the coming month we will send free by mail a copy of the
Revised Edition of the New Testament (Oxford Edition, limp cloth,
red edges), a very handsome book, to any subscriber who will renew
his subscription to the WITNESS now, by sending us $1.50 by money
order, bank draft, or registered letter. Even if subscription
is not due until next year, by remitting the amount now, the
subscription will be extended and the Testament sent at once. This
is the edition authorized by the English and American committees,
and it contains a history of the revision and an appendix giving
the list of American corrections which were not concurred in by the
English committee.

A club of three copies of WITNESS for a year, directed separately,
will be sent for $4 remitted direct to this office, and also three
copies of this Testament.

A club of six GEMS OF POETRY for a year will be $4, and three
copies of Revised New Testament will be sent gratis with it.

A club of nine SABBATH READING will be sent for a year for $4, and
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All directed separately and all postpaid.


                        JOHN DOUGALL & CO.,
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                 *       *       *       *       *

                       Northfield Meetings.

                        AN EXCELLENT REPORT

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                      Meetings at Northfield

                       WILL BE FOUND IN THE

     New York Witness of August 11, 18, 25 and September 1st.

The Four Copies will be sent post-paid for =TEN CENTS=, or for =25
Cents= the Witness will be sent to any address =THREE MONTHS, ON

                        JOHN DOUGALL & CO.,
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       *       *       *       *       *

Annual Meeting.

       *       *       *       *       *

The American Missionary Association will hold its Thirty-fifth
Anniversary in the city of Worcester, November 1-3.

On Tuesday, at three o’clock P. M., the Executive Committee will
render their Annual Report.

At 7.30 o’clock, Tuesday evening, the Annual Sermon will be
preached by Rev. C. D. Hartranft, D.D., of Hartford, Communion

On Wednesday morning, papers will be read on topics of special
interest relating to the work.

Wednesday afternoon and Thursday will be occupied with Reports of
Committees and addresses thereon.

On Wednesday and Thursday evenings, there will be addresses from
Senator George F. Hoar, Judge A. W. Tourgée, President M. H.
Buckham, and other distinguished speakers.

The Committees on hospitality, reduction of railroad fares, and
other matters of detail pertaining to the meeting, will be duly
published in the religious papers.

The Executive Committee proposes the following amendments to the
Constitution of the American Missionary Association to be submitted
to the Annual Meeting for action thereon, viz.:

ART. III. Any person who contributes to the funds of the
Association may become a member thereof for the current year by
requesting to be enrolled as such at the time such contribution is
paid into the treasury of the Association, and any contributor to
the amount of thirty dollars, at one time, may, on request to that
effect, be enrolled as a Life Member.

ART. V. The Annual Meeting shall consist of the Officers, Life
Members who have been such prior to the first day of October
preceding the time of such meeting, such persons as have been
enrolled as members within one year prior to that date, and of
delegates from churches that have within the year contributed
to the funds of the Society, and from State Associations and
Conferences, each of such churches, associations and conferences to
be entitled to one delegate.

ART. VI. The officers of the Association shall be a President,
Vice-Presidents, Corresponding Secretaries, (who shall also keep
the records of the Association,) Treasurer, Auditors, and an
Executive Committee of not less than twelve members.

ART. VII. After “dismissing,” omit the parenthesis. Omit ART.
VIII., and number ARTS. IX. and X. respectively VIII. and IX.

       *       *       *       *       *


Transcriber’s Notes:

Obvious printer’s punctuation errors and omissions corrected.
Inconsistent hyphenation retained due to various authors.

Missing letter “t” inserted in the word “at” on page 263. (having
its centre at London)

Missing digit inserted in the Newton entry on page 284. “1 0.00”
changed to “160.00”. Arithmetic used to derive the missing digit.

Missing “g” inserted into the word “Cong.” in the Pittsfield entry
on page 284.

“Tillottson” corrected to “Tillotson” in the first line of page 286.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary -- Volume 35,
No. 9, September, 1881, by Various


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